Friday, February 06, 2009

I'm Still Not Here

However, if you want me, go to Emon Hassan's place. Part Two of his interview with me is up. Speaking of which...

Yesterday, in the comments section here, Fat, Frumpy & Fifty opined: "You don't do serious do ya?"

No, I rarely do. There are just too many laughs available for me to keep passing them up for the sake of appearing more mature than I am. However, in part two of the interview, I do serious. Not for most of it, of course, because that wouldn't be me, but for one question? Serious as a heart attack.

(It's slightly uncomfortable to flog something by saying it contains a segment in which I am serious and emotional, but part two of the interview has such a thing and you asked.)

I'll be back here on Monday. Michelle should be very scared.

(You may have no idea what I'm talking about, but that's OK. Michelle does.)

Soon, with more better stuff.


Carolina said...

That (or is it 'which') reminds me: congratulations on yet another award! You must be so proud! I'm off to read the rest of the interview now. Stay sane!

Carolina said...

Hi, me again (well, obviously). Just read the interview. Such a sweet photo. We will not talk about the 'cat-incident' anymore. I just feel for you. Twenty years ago I hit a horse because it tried to kick another horse. And I hit it about 4 times with my whip. Have regretted that ever since! Scarred for live I am through that, so I understand what you mean. Sob.
Glad to 'know' you, have a very good weekend!

Carolina said...

I meant 'life', not live *sigh*

CSD Faux Finishing said...

Even I got a little teary and was very glad you ended on a comic lighter note because that one just floored me. Wonderful interview all around Jim, very simply put, very much you and glad it wasn't any other way. I hope it drives all sorts of traffic back & forth because the questions were just great as well. Thanks for sharing it!

Michelle H. said...

*gulp Time for some booty-kissing*

Um, I really enjoyed your interviews. They were AWESOME! You are THE MAN! THE REAL MAN! All men should revel in your manliness and all women should swoon *cough-cough* at your feet.

Oh please don't hurt me, Mr. Suldog sir! I swear I didn't notice I tagged you twice. Well, I did but I was hoping you wouldn't notice.

Jeni said...

I think I've said this before but you never do -really, you don't -ever cease to amaze me -and entertain me too.
Great interview and I loved your post picks from your writings too. I'd read all but the last one before but re-read them anyway. Kind of like re-reading a darned good book, ya know. Still entertaining.

Angie Ledbetter said...

Going read part two now. So interesting. How much did you have to pay the blog host...and does he accept PayPal?

word verification = rapoo

lime said...

you're not here? am i? are any of us? oh no, i'm having an existential crisis. maybe i should go have it there....

on my way.

lime said...

loved both parts of the interview and i feel with you regarding blackie.

Karen said...

Loved the interview; they were great questions and good, funny and honest answers. Too bad more people can't be as forgiving as Blackie was.

Anonymous said...

You have quite the following, Jim! Enviable indeed. Can't wait till folks read the other interview.

To Angie L.: I do accept PayPal and Jim paid handsomely. I just might retire early. :)

Suldog said...

Wait a minute! I thought that $10,000 transaction was you paying me. D'Oh!

Lulda Casadaga said...

Hi Sul...just wanted to do a shout out to you up in Yankee land! How's my bro doing?

Chris Stone said...

Thank goodness blackie was okay! was worried there!

cats have long memories. she just choose to dwell on the positive. and maybe she was hungry. ;)

Janet said...

I don't know why it is that things we do as teenagers are the primary things we never get over. I cried, too, not for what you did, but for how you felt. She never minded, as she proved. You're a good soul, Jim. She knew that for 10 years.

David Sullivan said...

It was no "Barbara Walters Interview", but entertaining none the less. *sarcastic smile*

Hilary said...

Loved it. The joy of arriving late to the party, was that I could read both parts at once.

Michelle, what a boo-boo! Come north for a few days. I'll hide ya!

Shrinky said...

Oh Jim, you haven't let us down, and thanks for being your usual honest self. I think most of us have moments we are not proud of, and I can tell it took a lot out of you to relive that again.


Cath said...

Great interview at Emon's. You had me bawling over your regrets. You soft so-and-so! The cat would know how sorry you were! Cats do. That's why you were forgiven and still loved. Blackie knew....

Fabulous bit of "you" in there. We get it here a lot, but we got the extra mile in there because of Blackie I think. Thank you and well done on the interview.

Anonymous said...

You know... for someone who wasn't here... there sure was a lot of writing at that top of this page...

:::ducking and running:::

Anonymous said...

I will head over to read it.

Anonymous said...

Great interview! I am so glad you did this. And you taught me a discipline I need to work on. I publish right after writing with my toddler climbing all over me most days (and miss my errors). I must learn to wait! No wonder your posts are so good :)!

Suza said...

Well that took some guts... first it was the hankies for Team Hoyt, and now for Blackie. I am fairly new to your blog but clearly I am going to have to regularly rehydrate...