I'm here, but I'm also someplace else. It's magic!
Today, I'll be sending you on a journey to meet me elsewhere. Before you leave, though, you should go home and pack your overnight bag. It will be a two-day trip.

However, you came here to visit me, right? Well, if you want a real in-depth visit, full of all kinds of never-before-revealed secrets concerning my psyche, and also containing the answer to this question...
Q: If Deep Purple and Lawrence Welk's Orchestra fell out of an airplane, which one would hit the ground first?
... then you should get over to Emon's place immediately.
For the next two days (that would be today and tomorrow, if my math isn't off) Emon will be publishing the results of his interview with me. If I may be allowed a slight bit of immodesty, it's a fucking magnificent interview. Mainly, that's because Emon asks great questions. So, go there. See if I'm lying.
I'll be back in this space on Monday. I hope you will be, also.
Soon, with more better stuff (but I'm over at Emon's place RIGHT NOW!)
Ooo, packing now!
you cosmic devil you !!
great journey....you dont do serious do ya?
i love traveling. bags are packed and here we goooooooo.......
ah, but does he offer the possibility of a one of a kind pair of personally tie dyed socks just for being interviewed? lol on my way
Alrighty, looking for one of my bags to pack now. Do I need winter clothes? LOL
Interesting influences, Jim. I was expecting a mention of Hunter Thompson as an influence and was semi-surprised he wasn't on your list. Or maybe he's Number Four. Or maybe he isn't at all... coz he did write for that poseur intellectual rock 'n' roll rag. (The one I subscribed to for about... oh, 20 years or so.) ;-)
Great stuff, as always!
Yup, true to your word, you never disappoint - brill interview, I can't wait for part two! (Grin)
Thanks for traveling, everyone!
Buck - Rolling Stone wasn't as bad as I painted it, of course. I was just trying to show how good CREEM was.
I enjoy Thompson. I especially liked "Fear And Loathing With The Hell's Angels". And we certainly spent much of our time in the same sorts of recreational pursuits. I dunno - maybe he did influence me, but in a sort of sitting-in-the-back-of-my-mind-poking-me-every-so-often-but-I-didn't-know-where-it-was-coming-from way.
I travel light, no bags required, so I can get there that much faster...
Fabulous interview - I can't wait for the next installment!
Oo! Oo! Oo!! I know the answer to the question!! Pick me! Pick me!!
Deep Purple would hit the ground first because they were "heavy" metal, and the Lawrence Welk Orchestra would have the advantage of all those tiny bubbles keeping them aloft.
Am I right?
Walking over there to read now.
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