I went to the doctor this weekend and here's the conversation we had:
Me: Hi, Doc.
Doctor: Hello, Jim. What can I do for you?
Me: Well, there's this woman, see, she’s a blogger, and she gave me... well... it's awkward, Doc.
Doctor: Oh, come on, Jim! I'm a doctor. Do you think I haven't heard it all before? There’s no need to be embarrassed.
Me: Well... Uh…
Doctor: Spit it out, Jim.
Me: Doc... Michelle Hickman gave me… Premio Dardos!
My doctor tried to keep his composure, but I heard the sharp intake of breath. Meanwhile, I broke down crying.
Doctor: There there, Jim, we’ll work through this together. You’re not the first person to get… Premio Dardos.
Me: I know, but… Michelle seemed so sweet. I never imagined she’d give… PD.
More sobbing on my part.
Doctor: All right, Jim. Stiff upper lip and all that. Here's what you have to do. I'm giving you prescriptions for penicillin, amoxycillin, and three different sulfa drugs. Be sure to take all of them. Also, buy a bottle of A-200 and a lice comb. In addition, I’d advice dunking your junk in Listerine once every two hours. Finally, I know you're a man - and a manly man, at that - but it wouldn't hurt to invest in a couple of tubes of Monistat. And if anything falls off, put it in a plastic bag with ice, and...
At which point, I fainted.
Never heard of Premio Dardos? Neither did I until
Michelle gave it to me. What it is, actually, is an award.

And we all know what happens around here when I get an award, don't we?
Yes, we do.

I truly do like Michelle, and would rather not have to kill her. However, what she did deserves retribution that is both swift and thorough. You see, she not only gave me PD, she also asked me to complete a meme -
BOTH in the SAME post!
The enormity of her transgression is amazing. She tagged me TWICE in the same post. TWICE!
She certainly
looks like a lovely young lady, but I'm thinking her photo must be a put-on because you need to have balls the size of cantaloupes to tag me TWICE in the same post.
Let's start the bloodshed with the award.
"Premio Dardos". Huh? Come again?
It appears to be a romance language, but what country it might be in love with is beyond me. I'll hazard a guess and say that the first word has something to do with excellence, or perhaps being of the first rank. If that's the case, Michelle found the right guy for this award. I'm certainly rank. But, "Dardos"? Glixynobbus? Pushtart ek der glabble globble? Yes, please, and a side of liverwurst.
Yeah, smartass, I Googled it. All that came up were references to other blogs that had already won the award. This award appears to be proliferating faster than a squadron of jackrabbits on Viagra. That's because one of the rules says that you're supposed to pass it on to FIFTEEN other bloggers.
Oh, Judas Iscariot on a tricycle! There goes everybody running away and hiding! Get back here, you cowardly bunch of poofs! I'm not going to give
you PD! If everybody else on Teh Interwebs is dosing 15 people at a time, you'll get hit with it sooner or later without
me having to take the fall for it.
Can I ask you a question, though? Just what in the name of Satan's anus is that a picture of? Maybe it's a picture of Satan's anus! Your guess is as good as mine. It appears to be giving off steam, whatever it is. So, just what in hell
is it? Is it a teapot? A radiator? A sewing machine with an internal combustion engine? Michael Phelps's new bong? I'm fairly positive that at least one of you has better eyes than I do. Can
you make out what it is? And, after you do, can you please tell me
Oh, OK, here's the "why", direct from Michelle.
This award acknowledges the values that every Blogger displays in their effort to transmit cultural, ethical, literary, and personal values with each message they write. Awards like this have been created with the intention of promoting community among Bloggers. It's a way to show appreciation and gratitude for work that adds value to the Web.(*snicker*)
Values? I'm displaying values? I suppose I am, but I wouldn't brag about them. If Michelle wants to be recognized as being associated with my values, so be it, but it shows tremendously poor taste on her part. However, de gustibus non est disputadum, as my grandfather said that time he was arrested for tattooing Mussolini's face on the neighbor lady's butt.
Better yet, I'm being accused of promoting community
. I deny the charge, with vehemence. Anybody who's been coming around here for more than a few days knows damn well the only thing I'm promoting here is
me. Anything else that happens as a side- effect I'm not responsible for. And, insofar as doing work that adds value to the web? If I'm doing
that, the web sure must have been a nasty place before
I got here.
Well, as usual, I’ll paraphrase Groucho Marx by saying that any award that has so little prestige attached to it that
I’ve been deemed worthy of receiving it is an award that I want no part of. And then I’ll turn right around and make a lie out of that last statement by displaying the award proudly with all of the others I’ve received. This is because not only am I fibber, but I’m also an insatiable egomaniac. Thanks for being an enabler, Michelle!
Now on to the other part of this odious task, the meme. I’m supposed to go to the fourth folder in which I store photos and then post the fourth photo in that folder. Then I’m supposed to tell you something about that photo.
OK. Here it is.

This is a picture of My Grandmother, along with her sister, my Great Aunt Gerry.
Oh, the shame! To have these two lovely women be part of a post wherein Satan's anus is mentioned? Mea culpa, mea culpa, mea culpa! I've certainly learned my lesson. I'll never again be so snide when receiving an award. I'll do nothing but say "Thank You" to whomever gives me one, and praise the Good Lord for letting me be so fortunate as to have such good friends.
OK, not bloody likely, but I had to say
something like that.
Of course, Michelle
is a lovely person, even if she did give me PD. In one of her past posts, she spoke about how nice it would be if, instead of seeing ourselves as black and white, we were just different shades of gray. I couldn't agree more. So, she is my darker gray friend, as I am her lighter gray friend. And, despite the 1,200 words denigrating her above, I love her. I kid, because I'm a kidder.
But, just because I'm going soft here at the end, don't entertain any notions about YOU getting away with tagging me twice in the same post. I'll rip your head off and... well, you've been warned, that's all.
Soon, with more better stuff.