Monday, February 19, 2018

Sweet Stuff

I've had another piece published on the cool website, Purple Clover, and I hope you'll enjoy reading it. Of course, in order to read it, you'll have to travel to the website whereupon it appears, so here's a very handy link...


... and I so very much appreciate you taking the time to go there that I'll never use the word "whereupon" ever again in my life, if that helps.

Thank you!

Soon, with more better stuff.

P.S. The firehouse pictured above is provided as a visual aid. It is the one mentioned in the story.


Craig said...

OK, so now I'm chuckling at the comic-absurdity of a couple of ten-year-old boys walking down the street in plain sight, pilfering a 40-lb barrel of government-issued candy.

And won't you feel just crushingly guilty if a few hundred people starve to death for want of the vitamin-enriched candy that should have been waiting for them in the shelter. . .

I mean, the least you could've done was to put it back once you were done with it. . .


messymimi said...

What a fun story! Vitamin enriched candy -- only the government could have come up with that.