Saturday, December 06, 2014

'tis The Season


I've had a longstanding quirk on this blog. I always use a capital letter to lead off every word in the headline. I know it's wrong. Words such as "the" and "of" and "for" are supposed to be given with a small letter leading off (unless it's the first letter in the entire title.) I don't know exactly why I adopted that weird standard, but I did and I figure why change it?

(I mean, aside from the fact that it makes me look illiterate. My usual closer is illiterate, so what difference would it make?)

There is, however, no way to capitalize "'tis" without it looking entirely idiotic.

(Nor is there a way to enclose it in quotation marks without pretty much losing the apostrophe that makes 'tis was it is.)

Now, obviously, I could have foregone all of this twadlle via the simple expedient of rewriting the headline, but all of this twaddle is needed because otherwise there wouldn't be much of anything else here. I felt that if I just showed up again with another link to one of my newspaper columns, and gave you no further value, you'd probably say something such as, "Damn you, Sully! All you ever do on this blog these days is tell me to go someplace else to read what in hell you have to say!"

I can't say I would have blamed you for cursing me out. That IS pretty much all I do on this blog now. As a matter of fact, here's where I do it again!

Please go read my column in today's Boston Herald!

See? And I also usually include some sort of plea for you to do me a favor on top of that, such as asking you to leave a nice comment or even write a letter to the editor, like this...

Please leave a nice comment or even write a letter to the editor!

I have become the sluggiest of slugs and you deserve better. Unfortunately, you won't be getting anything better today, and you've come this far, so why not go read my column in today's Boston Herald and leave a nice comment (or even write a letter to the editor) so your trip here won't be a total waste, hmmmmmm?

(You won't find out why I decided "'tis" would be a good word to use here unless you go there, so aren't you just itching all over now? I know I am, but that's because I haven't bathed in three days.)

(Oh! Here comes the illiterate closer...)

Soon, with more better stuff.


Tabor said...

Taking a digital course on writing sentences .. I do admit that!

Tabor said...

I cannot comment on your article because no matter which email I use, I get an incorrect thus it is.

joeh said...

Damn you Sully.....

joeh said...

I can never comment on the paper, maybe you could cut and paste...anyway, I always say when I pass one of these houses, "Those people are crazy, and God bless crazy people cause I love the over the top decorations." Not sure how I would feel if they were next door.

Great article!

(not necessarily your) Uncle Skip said...

There's nothing wrong with the title here.
That's an APOSTROPHE at the beginning, as opposed to an apostrophe.

Now I'm gonna go read the article, because your blog's become a pimp for the Herald.

Buck said...

Veni, vidi, dicerem!


Suldog said...

Holy... Latin! I have some of the snazziest commenters around!

Ami said...

I frequently tell people, "I am NOT illiterate!! My parents were married!"

Every time I see an over-decorated house, I look around back or maybe to the side in the driveway for Cousin Eddie and his RV.

"Shitter's full."

Craig said...

We have a guy who lives not far from us (not, thankfully, within direct view from our house), who has homemade plywood cutouts, each roughly 6-10 feet tall, of all the Peanuts characters, Yukon Cornelius and the Bumble, Frosty, Rudolph, the Grinch, Santa and several elves, and I'm sure a few other cartoon characters who I'm not remembering just at the moment, along with the standard store-bought versions of the deer whose heads go up-and-down as if grazing the front lawn, the Manger scene and a choir of angels on his roof. . . And probably an inflatable snowman or two. . .

'tis true. . .

Hilary said...

I've never come upon one of those homes with music-coordinated lighting. In my previous neighbourhood, people seemed to get more of a kick out of going all out for Halloween than for Christmas. The latter was more sedate. Up here in the country, lights are few and far between.

I enjoyed the article.

messymimi said...

Okay, i commented there, and now i'm back here to tell you i did so.

As for how you start the title to your blog, it's yours! Even if i did major in English, i won't be the grammar police.

Jackie said...

I'm just wondering why you haven't bathed in 3 days....
But, then, 'tis none of my business. I'm just nosey. (Not that I can smell you from here....
That would be another kind of 'nosey.')
Never mind.
Luv you,

Anonymous said...

At least you've been consistent in your title methodology. Mine changes constantly. Thanks for the link to your article. I do enjoy reading them, even if I have to go somewhere else to do it. :)

Daryl said...

i tend to use 'so' and 'and' a lot so (see) i go back and re-read my blather before hitting publish and (see) remove or substitute other words .. off to read your paid verbiage

Ruby said...

I enjoyed your article Suldog! Regarding the judgement, I can see why although the woman seems crazy!