Friday, October 03, 2014

My 15 Minutes Will Begin In Australia

Last time you were here, you were directed to a story of mine in the Boston Herald that talked about Suffolk Downs, a racetrack in East Boston.

(I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt. Maybe the last time you were here was when Bush was still president. If so, thanks for coming back and where the hell have you been?)

In any case, Suffolk was the scene of one of My Dad's major triumphs in life and it will be closing its doors forever on Saturday. I mentioned in the story that I would be going to the track on that final day.

The newspaper piece was seen by a reporter for the Australian Broadcasting Corporation, one Lisa Millar. She liked the piece and contacted me. She was going to be in town covering another story and thought it might be worth her while to also do a story about Suffolk Downs closing. It seems Australians are quite enamored of horse racing and the closure of some American tracks, mostly due to competition from casinos and other faster-paced gambling ventures, might prove interesting to them.

The upshot of it is I'm meeting her tomorrow at the track and she'll have me on-camera to answer a few questions about Suffolk and the piece I wrote.

In 1968, Andy Warhol said, "In the future, everyone will be world-famous for 15 minutes." It appears the future is now and my 15 minutes will begin in Australia.

Soon, with more better stuff.


Mariann said...

Great! Make sure you are wearing sunscreen. :)

Tabor said...

Well, if you are interesting I think that is true. If you are a bit boring such as I, those 15 minutes will never come.

(not necessarily your) Uncle Skip said...

Maybe they'll want you for Jeopardy after your fame in Oz?

Buck said...

Well, now! How cool is THAT? Ans: Very.

Craig said...

Good on ya, Mate!

Hilary said...

I saw her comment and knew it was going to lead to something good. Yay you!:)

Should Fish More said...

Excellent. Nice work. Will your toilet now flush counterclockwise?

Suldog said...

Should Fish More - That would be nice. That's how I poop.

(I have no idea what that means, but it sure seemed funny when I first thought of it.)

Michelle H. said...

Good luck! Try to release all bodily gases BEFORE the interview.

Daryl said...

this is so terrific … g'day mate!