Monday, October 13, 2014

Have You Ever Ridden The T?

Have you ever ridden the T?

If so, then you'll know that I'm giving folks 100% unvarnished stone-cold good advice in my latest piece for The Boston Herald.

Or maybe it's a big pack of lies. Or it might just be my usual crap - some truth, some lies, some allegedly funny stuff, a couple of pip pips, a bit of barbecue and what have you. But you have to read the piece to decide, so why not go and do that right now?

Soon, with more (probably lengthier, with fewer links per square inch) stuff.


joeh said...

NYC riders have similar rules. You left out young people should liberally use foul language very loudly to make as many people uncomfortable as possible.

Loved the "Kingston Trio" song, "The Man Who Never Returned." Good old Charlie!

(not necessarily your) Uncle Skip said...

I have had the experience of riding on the Orange, the Green, and the Red Lines.
Getting the "Charlie" card on the Red Line was another story.

I may travel just to experience the light rail systems of various communities in this great country of ours.
I already have BART, the Hiawatha, and the MAX.
As a senior citizen I can probably get lower fares, too.

Suldog said...

Joe, Skip - I was limited as to number of words, otherwise I would have mentioned MANY other things.

Should Fish More said...

Great piece. I've never ridden Boston's subway, NYC and BART many times, and Tokyo. I can safely say that if anyone's been on Tokyo's system, they'll never think ours are crowded.

messymimi said...

It sounds like something visitors to your wonderful city should avoid!

Suldog said...

I guess I should be clear - I rather like the T. It's what I grew up with and it has nostalgic value, at least. It runs pretty well for a system as old as it is. My complaints are mostly with some of the folks who ride it, not necessarily the system overall.

Ruby said...

Enjoyed the post!!

Daryl said...

i think finding a parking place or even trying to get from here to there in Boston is exasperating but i don't think i have ever been on the T .. i think the Kingston Trio warned me off ;)

Shammickite said...

So you mean that if I want to ride the T (which I assume is some sort of underground public conveyance on rails) I have to buy a Charlie? You people are flippin' weird.

Suldog said...

Sham - Well, yes, we ARE weird, but it's a Charlie CARD or a Charlie TICKET. I like it your way better.

Hilary said...

I have indeed been on the T.. the green and red line from Alewife to the MFA. And in my Montreal pub days, I got to know that song well.

Maggie May said...

Well..... that is plain horrid! Don't forget that I'm an old person! One day you'll be too. (If you're lucky or unlucky) which ever way you view it!!!!!

Seriously..... Never heard of the T till now. It's probably the same in the rush hour anywhere in UK cities.
I usually go by bus but there are still some polite people left who are courteous to older folk, though not so many I must admit!
Maggie x

Nuts in May

Suldog said...

Maggie - The London Underground is probably my favorite subway system of them all (NYC is right there with it.) Of course, the last time I rode on it was a good 35 years ago, so I might have a different opinion now :-)