The best laid schemes o' mice an' men aft gang agley
Modern translation: Things often wind up in the crapper, no matter how much care you thought you took. And thus it was with our Christmas card for this year.

Lovely, no?
Well, inside of the card, we included a CD. It was the story of Pointy The Poinsettia (that's who the photo is of, of course) recorded by yours truly. It included music and sound effects and was (if I may say so, and who's going to stop me?) a lovely little bit of fluff, full of gentle laughs and heart-tugging sniffles. We expected it would receive general approbation, if not glorious applause.
What it received was a stomping by the United States Postal Service.
Out of the 50 or so CDs we mailed, TWO appear to have gotten through the mails safely. The remainder were received cracked, grooved, peeling, broken, smashed, and otherwise as though the mailman had danced a tarantella on it and then dropkicked it into the mailbox.
We got phone calls expressing disappointment. Although we wish we hadn't had to receive those calls, it did give us pause to consider how much our friends and family love us. If they didn't care, they wouldn't have called. They really DID want to hear the CD. Yay!
However, as I said, they couldn't. Boo!
We will send replacements to everyone who called, and even to some who didn't.
In the meantime, I've decided to try something I've never done here before. I'm going to attempt to post an audio file. And that audio file is...
POINTY THE POINSETTIA (An Original Christmas Tale)
Well, OK, I couldn't figure out how to post an audio file to Blogger. I'm not at all sure that it's possible, actually. However, the link will take you to a page where you can access the audio file. It's rather lengthy, so please give it a chance to load.
I hope you enjoy it. Merry Christmas!
Hello there Suldog,its Deni,I want to thank you for you post,and yes it hard and we are trying every thing,he wants to home for Christmas then he wants to leave after dinner...what a dilema.At least he is talking on the phone to his Dad and me, also his sisters.
Have a very Merry christmas and God Bless...Peace...Deni
merry christmas! i haven't listened to your undoubtedly stupendous tale yet, but i relate to the post office problems. i put my cards in the mail box at the post office almost 3 weeks ago, and not one of them has arrived. also, i haven't received many that were sent. *sigh* maybe when i'm all bummed out over it being drab in february, they'll arrive and make me happy.
Me and the boys listened to Pointy on Xmas Eve day. Our arrived intact, no problemo. Thanks again!
Hope you had a great Christmas, Suldog. Sorry you couldn't see either the Yule Log or March of the Wooden Soldiers...
Merry merry Suldog! Our Christmas was excellent with much to much of the gifting but whats the holiday without a bit of excess? It was very quiet though, just the 4 of us.
I leave the 27th for Back Home and will be back to blogging on the 3rd.
Happiest new year wishes to all!
I hope the rest of your Christmas plans went through as planned, and you did have a jolly good time after all that hassle with the broken CDs.
Happy holidays
from Vienna!
All in all, it was a lovely card and as usual it took the place of honor in our home. I think it not ranks #1 with the green tree card now in second place.
NOW Ranks #1 Not NOT. :)
Deni - Best of luck. I will keep you and your family in my prayers.
Ericka - Not only did so many CDs get destroyed, but we are now finding out that many of the cards themselves were delivered AFTER Christmas. We mailed them TWO WEEKS before the 25th. And the Post Office wonders why folks seem to prefer almost ANY other delivery option to them. D'Oh!
Cuz - You're very welcome. I hope the boys liked it.
Q - Someday I'll have a cable service with WPIX again...
Alip - I believe in excess in moderation, and vice-versa.
Merisi - Thanks! Happy New Year!
Uncle Jim - Save the photo. When Pointy gets made into a major motion picture (starring Jim Carrey as Pointy, and perhaps Cheech Marin as Uncle Pedro) you'll be able to say you knew him when he was just a shrub.
Hi Sully!
We still haven't gotten our copy, so hopefully it will arrive intact :)
Hope you had a fantastic Christmas!!
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