Monday, November 12, 2007

Thanksgiving Comes First

Please GO HERE for 2008.


BklynSoxFan said...

Great post, Suldog. I'll be writing something about Thanksgiving soon.

Thanksgiving Comes First dammit!

Merisi said...

I feel incredibly blessed not having to listen to Christmas jingles and commercials yet, but I must confess I do enjoy spotting here and there signs that the city is gearing up for Christmas time. It is such a beautiful time of the year in this city, I cannot get enough of it. I never walked so much in winter as I have my first two Christmasses here in Vienna.
I am also a Thanksgiving Feast lover. We are going to have once again 10 friends from the States at our turkey dinner table and have had already the pecans imported from the States by friends (here they cost 20 Euros a pound). Right now I worry about the cranberries. None have arrived so far in the markets here. Has Ocean Spray gone out of business?
Please take it easy,
ignore what you don't like
and enjoy the days til Thanksgiving!
Best wishes from

Suldog said...

Thanks, Q.

Merisi - Ocean Spray is definitely still in business. So many things we take for granted! I would never have even thought about someone having to search for cranberries. Good luck!

Anonymous said...

I was in KMART just before HALLOWEEN and the halloween stuff was 50% off, the Christmas stuff was up and I actually heard a Christmas carol playing!!!!!

Shrink Wrapped Scream said...

Oh shit, I can never have Christmas if I wait for Thanksgiving - it doesn't exist over here..

You have Christmas Carols on the radio NOW? That really is pushing it. We do have Christmas trees up in Tesco (our local supermarket) so I'm told (I shop on-line, thank God). I love the holiday season, but I do feel the pressure of the build up. It's my own fault, I do it to myself, I'm a control freak, and everything has to be perfect, or I'll throw a strop and sulk. It's also my birthday on Christmas day, and it is kinda' nice to always have a party going on for it. Sure, it's over-commercialised, but I'm probably one of the worst of offenders on that front. Can't help myself - it's fun!

Suldog said...

Errata: Earlier, I had "WVBF" as the call letters of the offending radio station. It is "WROR", at 105.7 on the FM dial. The call letters for that particular radio station used to be "WVBF", many years ago. My apologies.

Suldog said...

Mom - I know that if you had a blog, you'd be on the bandwagon.

Scream - I don't expect that I know enough about your local situation to get mad at you! My gripe is with Americans. Also, I have particular sympathy for those who have their birthday fall on Christmas Day, so best wishes!

Michael Leggett said...

We Have gone from the Sublime to the Ridiculous, as The Turkey hasn't even been popped into the oven, yet:

It has been my understanding that the Season Of Advent, which begins The Church Year, is The Christmas Season's Proverbial "Pre-Game", though in the United States, the Advertising Game For Christmas, starts on Thanksgiving Day;

Yet, here we are, watching Christmas adverts on Halloween, pushing the iPod, iPhone, iMac, & such unto nausea, causing one to despise the Holy Holiday of Christmas, as NOTHING MORE than a Secular Festival, similar to "Festivus", that Mockaday, created by the Fictitious Frank Costanza on "Seinfeld";

I now wonder WHY Christmas Mass isn't packed anymore-Christmas has been advertised to Death;

The Blessings & The Turkey come 1st. Whatever is becoming of that? & "Madison Avenue"? You can kiss my arse.

lime said...

i rant about this all the time. it irks me no end. i don't go so far as to boycott a place. but when i saw employees assembling chrustmas trees before halloween i encouraged them to tell their bosses where they could stuff said christmas trees until the time was right.

thanks for the visit by my place too.

Brian in Oxford said...

I want the pope to admit, look, we only put Christmas in December to convert over some winter-solstice loving pagans 1700 years ago...

And then announce they're moving Christmas to April. Maybe the eastern Orthodox would play along, too. Not sure about the protestants, but they'd be outnumbered and might have to go along with it if a billion and a half Christians just up and moved their holiday.

What would shop owners do then?

Suldog said...

I just want you all to know - the irony is not lost me, concerning the ads that Google has placed at the bottom of this column :-)

Suldog said...

Of course, as soon as I said that, they changed to Thanksgiving ads, so I guess I'm truly having an impact :-)

Lisa Johnson said...

Great idea! Thanksgiving is a great holiday. It's horrible that it's so overlooked. Also rather interesting that in the US we are overlooking gratitude for consumerism. I like to buy things as much as the next person and believe in a market economy too, but enough is enough. I walked into CVS and was assaulted by those little singing stuffed animals and wanted to slam them to the ground. It's just too soon!

Melinda said...

Being a Canadian, we do generally get to celebrate Thanksgiving before having Christmas shoved down our throats. However, it does mean that we get Christmas shoved down our throats as soon as Halloween is over - cause they have nothing else to advertise. So it's basically an extra 3 weeks of tinsel and "Hey! This toy would be a super-awesome gift for Christmas!"
Okay - now I'm ready to rant - thanks for the inspiration Sully!

Melissa said...

Thanks for dropping by my blog! I agree with you about Thanksgiving and Christmas. In fact, I wrote a blog entry about this last week, after realizing that my employer (a hospital) already had their gigantic Christmas tree decorated in the front lobby on November 2nd. Our local radio stations are playing one Christmas song every hour or so. It is pretty crazy.

david mcmahon said...

Miserable old fart mode? Nice one, Jim!!

Anonymous said...

Done and done!

Great job, Jim!

The Egel Nest said...

Found you through David's Authorblog...Congrats on post of the day :)

I am one of those Jewish readers you drives me crazy...people on Fox news talk about the WAR on Christmas...have they been to the mall lately?? Christmas is doing just fine...there needs to be a war on Christmas...

True Christians should really be offended by what their holiday has become...just a secular paganized gift giving poor version of what it once was.

The Egel Nest

Anonymous said...

I'm so happy that the radios haven't started playing Christmas carols/songs yet. Around here, they usually start on December 1. During this time, I play CDs only. Anyway, thanks for stopping by my blog. I'm so glad I'm not the only one who feels this way about Thanksgiving.


Diana M said...

Planning on posting about the Thanksgiving/Christmas issue soon. Thanks for the inspiration for a blog subject! Every time for at least a month now, that I walk into a store I grumble about that... enough with the silence, I'M SHOUTING OUT LOUD! :D You have a wonderful blog here, I'm looking forward to more of your posts.

Anonymous said...

I totally agree....Thanksgiving comes first!!
Christmas isn't my holiday, yet I find much of the Christmas music quite beautiful. However, I honestly wish that they'd go back to starting the Christmas music on the day after Thanksgiving, as opposed to early to mid October.

Annabelle B. said...

Great post! Thanksgiving comes first!

I can't wait for turkey and gravy and pie and creamed onions and leftovers.

Whoo hoo! Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday - all food, no stress!

CapCity said...

Great Post! Does ANYone ever acknowledge that Christmas is ACTUALLY a Birthday? Since the Birthday "Boy" won't be in attendance we need to cease giving gifts to all the merchants (they get the PRIMARY gift$). My family no longer exchanges gifts and only give to the babies.

HAVE a WONDERFUL season of THANX, SulDog!!

Diana M said...

I wrote my Thanksgiving Comes First post... this was quite an inspiration to me! Thanks!