Friday, May 20, 2016


No reason for you to stay here, folks. The good stuff (if I may be just a tad unhumble) is over at the website of the wise and wonderful Boston Herald. As a matter of fact, here's a link that will get you there quicker than Hillary Clinton saying "Yes!" to a six-figure speaking fee offered by Goldman Sachs.

All seriousness aside, thanks for coming here. Now, go away.

Soon, with more better stuff (but probably someplace else.)


messymimi said...

Excellent article, i'm watching the Libertarians closely, and i hope they can actually do some good in this whole debacle we call an election year.

Craig said...

I have a few touch points with the Libertarians, but I don't know if I can go all the way to actually giving them my vote. But thanks for this, Jim. I'm doing heavy research into third parties for the next few months. . .

Craig said...

And you know, for being the only state that George McGovern carried in '72, you guys have had quite a run of Republican governors in the last decade or two. . .

Shammickite said...

Once you start talking Amurrican and/or Massachusetts politics, and focusing on specific pollies that I've never heard of, my British/Canadian eyes glaze over and I lose my will to live, but I have to say I'm in awe of anyone I mean you Jim) who can write intelligently about the current state of politics in the USA, and actually get published!

Daryl said...

here here .. or is it hear hear ... which/what ever ... go go!!!!!