Sunday, December 25, 2016
Merry Christmas, My Friends
I try not to do any work on Christmas, so I'm writing this on Christmas Eve (when I also try not to do any work - hell, I try not to do any work 365 days a year, but on Christmas nobody questions it.) Anyway, I have a column in today's Boston Herald and I think you'll like it. It's not a Christmas story, per se, but it tells a tale about some people who certainly embody the spirit of the holiday.
Here's a link to it, if you have five minutes.
Thanks for stopping by and thanks for reading my stuff. I do appreciate you doing so.
Merry Christmas!
Soon, with more better stuff.
Wednesday, December 21, 2016
A Big Bunch O' Weihnachtsbäume
I have a column in the Boston Herald today. In the abstract, it talks about traditions. I'd love for you to go read it, so here's a link. Meanwhile, if you want something else to look at, here are some parts of a certain long-standing tradition - Christmas trees! These are a few I've known and loved...
First off, some of you may be laboring under the assumption that the German for Christmas tree is "tannenbaum", since there is a nice Christmas song called "O Tannenbaum" which is usually sung in English as "O Christmas Tree". Actually, "tannenbaum" just means "fir tree". A rightly decorated and venerated Christmas tree is "weihnachtsbaum", and thus the plural is "weihnachtsbaume". Don't say you never learn anything when you come here.
Second, you may recognize this as a rerun (especially if you go to make a comment and see one of yours from a couple of years ago already there!) Hey, the NEW stuff is over at the Boston Herald!
Third, there is no third, so here goes!
Second, you may recognize this as a rerun (especially if you go to make a comment and see one of yours from a couple of years ago already there!) Hey, the NEW stuff is over at the Boston Herald!
Third, there is no third, so here goes!
A few of years ago, MY WIFE bought me a Christmas tree. It is silver and shiny and I love it.

This is not my new shiny silver tree. This is a really old
shiny silver tree. It belonged to my Grandma and Grandpa on my
Mother's side. The first time I saw it, I thought they had lost
their marbles. My eight-year-old brain could not process the idea of a Christmas tree that wasn't green, smelling of pine, and otherwise traditional. I was a staunchly conservative eight-year-old. Anyway,
there it was in their living room, with the only lights on it coming
from one of those spinning disks of color (not seen in that
photo, but here's one...)

Once I got used to my grandparent's weird aluminum tree, it was kind of
cool and I looked forward to seeing it each year. Having such a thing
in a house full of people who love you, and give you presents, will
tend to make you like it, I think. I've had fond memories of it for
many years, but the last remaining vestige of the thing is the photo I
just showed you. The tree itself is long gone.

person standing next to this somewhat odd-looking bush is my Aunt Pat, sister of my grandfather on my father's side, a.k.a. Aunt
Agnes to some others in the family. You may ask why she was Aunt Pat to
me and Aunt Agnes to others. It seems she didn't care for
the name Agnes. She decided that she preferred Pat. I never
knew she had the name "Agnes" until I was a teenager. Therefore, she was
at least successful in convincing me that her name was Pat.
Pat had an outstanding physical characteristic that I found utterly
fascinating as a child. One of her eyes was a milky sort of light blue,
while the other was hazel. This came about via an accident at
the eye doctor. He mistakenly put ether into her eye and she was
immediately blinded on that side, permanently. To show you the
non-litigious nature of things in those days, she did not immediately
sue him for everything he owned - which she no doubt would have won - but
instead just chalked it up to a human mistake and went on with her life. Can you imagine that happening now? No, neither can I, not even at

Christmas tree was at my paternal grandparent's apartment in
Roslindale. From the curtains, the wallpaper, and the date on the back
of the photo, I'd say it was 1961.
One of the things I've
always liked about the Sullivan side of my family is that they're
mostly not sticklers for symmetry. Whatever branches the tree came with
would likely remain with the tree for the duration. Also, if a bigger
clump of tinsel was on one of the branches than was on any of the others, so what? Live and let live (and if you don't like it, drink
until you do) was the motto.
Note the clump of branches hanging over the doorway. Waste not, want not (especially when it comes to the drinks) was another motto.
I don't want to leave you
with the impression that they were a bunch of totally drunken inebriates. They weren't. They were wonderful people whom I dearly loved. Many of
them did enjoy their alcoholic
beverages, though, and that sort of pleasure does tend to bring out the
beauty in sparkly things and perhaps lead to pinning up the trimmings
over a door frame.
For what it's worth, I think it's lovely, too, and I'm disgustingly sober right now.

my childhood in Dorchester comes this photo of the best use for any
tree: as a giant toy for a cat to play with. Another shot of the same

I could watch that sort of action for hours at a time when I was a kid. Heck, I'd love it now. I'm still very easily amused.

tree of more recent vintage, perhaps 1995. You'll notice that I took
the classic Sullivan approach to things like trimming off branches and
distributing the tinsel evenly.
Actually, I did
prune this tree a bit. When I got it home, I discovered that it was too
tall for our room.
I had to cut about six inches off the trunk. The
problem was, the only tool I had to work with was a coping saw. If
you're not familiar with what a coping saw looks like, here's a photo of

the very thin blade. A coping saw is used to make intricate cuts in
thin pieces of wood. It is not meant to take the place of a
rip or crosscut saw, the types usually used to tackle such things as logs. Also, a coping saw blade
builds up heat very quickly and snaps very easily because of that.
took me a good 45 minutes and I went through four blades. I think I
lost two pounds in sweat and five years off my life due to the
aggravation. My hands were covered in pine resin and as sore as if I
were a 112-year-old arthritic. Of course, I could have hopped down to
the hardware store, bought a big cheap saw for ten bucks and saved myself a half-hour, but where's the fun in that?

This was the year that we used Pointy The Poinsettia as our Christmas tree.
of you may be wondering why I haven't re-run that story and instead only gave a link to it. I hate to break the news
this way to those of you who may be fans of Pointy, but Pointy is no longer with us. He went to
poinsettia heaven, a few years back, due to a case of root rot.
I had been so successful in anthropomorphizing him, even to myself, that I actually cried when I put his remains out for the trash pickup. Anyway, it just seems wrong to re-run the story, with its happy ending, since I know he's gone. What can I say? I'm a sentimental goof. It's still there at the link, though, if you want to read it (and I still think it's a really good piece although I haven't been able to convince anyone with the title of "editor" to part with cash in support of that proposition.)

The Grove O' Tree (trademark pending) from four years ago. Here are a couple of previous incarnations...

WIFE once worked in retail. She had an opportunity to attain five trees
of varying heights that had been in window displays. For most of ten years, we used those five trees (or random combinations of
them) for our Christmas tree.
But now, I've got a SHINY NEW SILVER TREE and I guess it's about time I showed it to you!
But now, I've got a SHINY NEW SILVER TREE and I guess it's about time I showed it to you!
being deadly serious here. I think my new tree is THE most beautiful
Christmas tree ever. Your mileage may vary, and that's allowed (if not enjoyed...) I won't
pop a gasket if you believe the best trees are green, smell of pine,
shed needles, and present a better place for cats to play. Those are all good things, mostly. For me,
though, this is the one.
So, what was/is your favorite Christmas tree?
Sunday, December 18, 2016
Boston Herald Today
A Christmas story about me and My Dad.
Hope you enjoy it. Thanks for reading!
Soon, with more better stuff.
Friday, December 09, 2016
The Gift
[Christmas, 1965 or thereabout]
The boy was very young; perhaps 7 or 8 years old.
He loved everything about Christmas - the lights, the music, Santa Claus, the
trees covered in tinsel and shiny ornaments - but especially the snow. For as
long as he could remember (which wasn't very long, but it was a
lifetime) there was always snow at Christmas. The whole thing was magical.
He walked down the street, on his way to a store
near his home, and it was beginning to snow again. There was already an inch or
two on the ground from yesterday and it was shiny, bright, white, and made
everything it covered pretty. He opened his mouth and turned his face to the
sky, trying to catch a couple of snowflakes on his tongue. He thought he
succeeded, but it was hard to tell because snow melted as soon as it hit your
tongue, so you couldn't collect a mouthful of it to prove that you
caught some. He jingled a couple of nickels in his pocket, sliding his green
rubber boots along in the snow as he walked with his face to the sky.
He was on his way to the store to buy a gift. He
enjoyed receiving presents, of course; what child doesn't? However, he also
very much enjoyed giving them to others. He loved to see people's faces when
they opened their gifts. It was another magical thing about this time of year.
He rarely saw anyone unhappy around Christmas and he never saw anyone
unhappy when they opened a present.
Being very young, the boy didn't have much money.
He received an allowance, but only one dollar. He had already bought presents
for his mother and father. For his mother, it was some cheap perfume. For his
father, it was some cheap cigars.
(Realize that when I say "cheap", I don't
mean to imply that the boy had gone out of his way to buy inexpensive and
shoddy presents. He hadn't. He had lovingly picked them out, albeit within his
modest budget. The cigars and perfume were cheap, though. Being a young
boy, he had no appreciation of perfume and thought they all smelled pretty much
alike - stinky. He also had no idea that some cigars, when lit, smell like
innertubes burning. However, these had come in a package with a big white owl
on the front, and he did know that his dad liked owls.)
He had ten cents left over from his original
dollar, which will give you an idea of the value of the cigars and perfume. In
any case, he now wanted to buy a present for his aunt.
His aunt was the older relative closest in age to
the boy. She was around 19 or 20. She had lived with the boy and his parents
for a short while when the boy was much younger. They had grown very close
during this time. She was close enough in age to have been the boy's older
sister and, in some ways, that's what the boy thought of her as.
The boy reached the main street. The store was on
the other side, so he pressed the button that made the light red to stop the
traffic. He loved how even the traffic lights joined in with the season,
flashing red and green and yellow just like the lights on a Christmas tree. He
looked both ways and then crossed the street.
He walked through the parking lot of the store,
again noticing how people were so much happier this time of year. Everybody had
a cheery "Hello!" for the people they met. As he entered the store
through the automatic door (how did it know?) he heard Christmas music playing
over the store's speakers.
He felt great. He was in love with the world.
Now he had to find a present for his aunt. He hadn't
really given thought about this part of the task. He just assumed that he'd be
able to find something nice. After all, a dime would buy a comic book, or two
candy bars, or even twenty of those 2-for-1 Mint Julep candies.
Certainly he'd be able to find something his aunt would love.
What sorts of thoughts go through the mind of a
small boy? Many and varied, of course, but some are unfathomable. As he was
walking down one of the aisles, he spotted something very colorful and pretty.
He had always liked how these things looked. They were useful, too. And, when
he checked the price, it was ten cents - just right! This is what he would get
his aunt for Christmas.
He brought the gift up to the checkout and paid for
it. Now there was nothing to jingle in his pockets, but that was OK. His
Christmas shopping was done.
He made his way back home, enjoying the big colored
lights that were on just about every house in the neighborhood, again catching
(or trying to catch) snowflakes in his mouth.
When he got home, he took off his boots (which was always troublesome – he always seemed to leave one sock inside of a boot) and then ran upstairs to his room, to wrap this newest gift.
He was an only child. He spent many hours by
himself, in his room, and he very much enjoyed that privacy. He didn’t dislike
other people - far from it, in fact - but he did enjoy dreaming and using his
imagination. He discovered early on that it’s almost impossible to dream when
someone else is in your room. Someone else almost always wants to talk, and you
can’t carry on a decent conversation with someone else and dream at the same
time. Anyway, as a result of spending much time alone, he became fairly
(Whenever anyone asked him if he wouldn’t rather
have a brother or sister, he would firmly say, “No!” and he hoped that the
people asking him these questions would see to it that the proper authorities –
whoever was in charge of bringing brothers and sisters – did not make any
deliveries to his house.)
Being such a self-sufficient boy, he mostly wrapped
his own presents. He had already wrapped all of his other gifts for family.
Many of his relatives got handmade gifts of one sort or another. For instance,
every year since he was able to handle crayons, he had made his grandfather a
hand-drawn calendar, which his grandfather treasured receiving. Now, he wrapped
the gift for his aunt in colorful paper, once again admiring how colorful the
gift was, too.
That night, Christmas Eve, he did what many
Christian boys and girls try to do. Almost immediately after dinner, he went to
bed. He tried to go to sleep at an abnormally early hour, hoping to thus wake
up sooner and make Christmas come quicker. Before going to bed, he hung his
stocking on his bedroom door (since there was no chimney or fireplace in his
house.) He turned on the little transistor radio he had received as a gift on
his last birthday and searched out a station playing Christmas music. In those
days of his youth, it seemed the only time they ever played Christmas music on
the radio was starting on Christmas Eve and he loved hearing all of the songs
he heard (and loved) a year ago. His favorite was “Silver Bells”, and they
played it not long after he lay down, much to his delight. Slowly, to the
strains of “Do You Hear What I Hear?”, he drifted off to sleep.
(A curious thing about being a boy is that
sometimes you can will yourself to dream what you want to dream. Not always, of
course, but sometimes. You might think it an odd thing to dream, but the boy
had dreamed of Yogi Bear and Huckleberry Hound every Christmas Eve [that is,
every one in the memory of his short life] and he hoped that he’d have that
same dream again this night, as it was great fun running around with cartoon
characters. He did.)
Since he had gone to bed so early, he awoke at 3
am. He got up to go to the bathroom, but when he opened his door, he felt the
heaviness of a full stocking on the other side of it, so thoughts of peeing
suddenly took a backseat to seeing what Santa had left. He gently took out the
tack that was holding the stocking to the door, making doubly sure he had a
firm grip on the stocking and it wouldn’t fall on the hall floor (in case there
was anything in it that might break) and he took it back to his bed, flipping
on the bedroom light switch as he did so.
He wasn’t a greedy sort of a boy and so he didn’t
just dump everything out on the bed in one fell swoop. Instead, he took the
items out one at a time and carefully, lovingly, examined them. There were
candy cigarettes with little bits of red food coloring on the ends to simulate
their being lit; a set of jacks with a small rubber ball; a wind-up dog that
did backflips until there wasn’t enough wind-up left (so then it landed on its
head); a pinkie ball (great for three-flies-out on the front steps); one of
those puzzles that you have to move around the pieces until you get it to read
1 through 15 in order; and a pencil with his very own name engraved on it! He
attempted to solve the puzzle for a little bit, but then he remembered that he
had to pee, so he did.
(He went to the bathroom to do so.)
After washing his hands and brushing his teeth, he
went downstairs and plugged in the Christmas tree. He considered a Christmas
tree the most beautiful thing on earth, and this one was filled with enormous
colored lights, ornaments of all shapes and sizes, big handfuls of tinsel on
every branch, and a long garland of popcorn (which he and his mother had strung
one evening last week.) Topping it off was a white star with a red bulb inside
it. He sat down on the floor and just stared at the tree for ten minutes,
bathing in its warmth, both real (from the gigantic lights) and metaphysical.
He probably would have stared at it a bit longer,
but his cat came along and started playing with one of the low-hanging
ornaments and that broke him out of his reverie. He loved the cat very much and
he loved watching her play - even more than he liked looking at the tree. After
she failed to defeat the ornament - it still hung on the branch and she now
wriggled on her back, enjoying the pine needles that had fallen - he went out
to the kitchen and opened a can of cat food. Hearing the opener whirr, she came
running like a shot - for a cat will take food over ornaments, every time (thus
proving, once again, their innate intelligence.)
The boy poured himself a glass of milk and added
some chocolate to it. He then took this back upstairs, drank it while eating a
candy cigarette, and went back to sleep, listening to “The Little Drummer Boy”
and imagining himself a poor boy playing drums for Jesus. The cat came
upstairs and joined him in sleep, though what she dreamed of remains a
When he awoke again, it was 7am and his mother and
father were also awake. They all went downstairs and opened presents, enjoying
some cocoa while they did so. The boy received wonderful presents of games and
toys, as well as a couple of shirts and such that he knew he should be more
thankful for than he was. The cat received a catnip mouse (from Sandy Claws)
and was very thankful for it. The parents exchanged gifts with each other and
were thankful for those, and they received the stinky perfume and the smelly
cigars with warmth at the thought behind them.
Now it was time for mass, after which the family
would head over to the aunt’s to exchange gifts, before heading off to the
house of the boy's grandparents.
Mass was as mass usually is – something which cats
are thankful not to have to attend. It wasn’t that the boy didn’t want to wish
Jesus a happy birthday and all – he really loved the bible stories very much,
and he admired to no end someone who would lay down his own life for that of
his friends – but the priest saying the mass this morning just went on and on
and on and on. Even though he had slept close to ten hours, the boy could feel
his eyes drooping as the interminable homily crept, s-l-o-w-l-y, towards a
conclusion that had stopped being meaningful to all but the most die-hard some
ten minutes before. Finally, after the homily died its excruciating death and
communion was served, and after everyone had sung a rousing “Joy To The World”,
it was time to get on the road and go exchange presents with other family
After a 15-minute drive, the boy and his parents arrived at the aunt’s
house. They went inside to a warm welcome from the aunt
and the rest of her family gathered there, which included a few other adults
and a couple of infants, the boy's cousins. After a few minutes of small talk
(mostly complaints from the boy’s father concerning the length of the homily at
mass) it was time to open presents.
The boy watched with delight as everybody opened
packages and smiled. Here was the magic again. Everyone went "Ooh!" and "Ah!" in the
appropriate places as they received the presents that others had purchased for
them. And now, his aunt had his gift in her hands and she carefully
removed the wrapping paper, revealing the gift for all to see.
There were some smiles. Not that the boy noticed,
but there were also a couple of glances exchanged by the grown-ups with some
muffled laughter included. The aunt looked at her gift, then looked lovingly at
the boy. He looked back at her with love in his heart.
She said, “Oh, Jimmy, they’re just what I needed!
Thank you, darling!”
She reached over and kissed him. He blushed and
said, “You’re welcome.”
Never before had a package of red and green kitchen
sponges brought such joy to two people.
True story.
My Auntie Ba could have laughed at such a
ridiculous gift. Some of the other adults might have joined in and then I would
have been mortified. Instead, she gave me
a marvelous gift that Christmas and she did so just by being her wonderful
loving self. I don't even remember what her store-bought present to me was that year. What I remember is her giving me the knowledge that there is no such thing as a bad
gift so long as there is love behind the giving of it.
May the gifts you give, whether large or small or
precious or ludicrous (like sponges) be received as lovingly. And please receive
with love every gift given you. You never know how profoundly your love might
affect someone.
My Auntie Ba is gone now, and I miss her, but her
spirit lives on with me every Christmas because of the gift she gave me.
Merry Christmas!
Sunday, December 04, 2016
My Latest In The Boston Herald
My latest in the Boston Herald...
My Latest in the Boston Herald.
Thanks for reading!
Jim Sullivan
My Latest in the Boston Herald.
Thanks for reading!
Jim Sullivan
P.S. I know. This is a mighty poor excuse for a blog post, I'm just tired and I'm going to back to bed for a few more hours. I do appreciate you coming here, though. Pretend I said something witty.
P.P.S. Soon, with more better stuff.
P.P.P.S. Well, that certainly doesn't qualify. Sorry!
Thursday, November 24, 2016
Happy Thanksgiving Day!
As is usual for me, this is a day of rest, relaxation, good food and football. I wish you the same.
Meanwhile, I have a column in the Boston Herald today. It contains some advice concerning how to keep your celebration restful, relaxing, tasty and... whatever adjective applies to football in your case. I hope you enjoy it.
Thanks for stopping by. And Happy Thanksgiving!
Soon, with more better stuffing.
Friday, November 11, 2016
Veterans Day
Veterans Day is supposed to be a
holiday wherein we honor our veterans. I’m going to name a few that matter to me. Maybe you’ll read the
names, as well as the bits of information I give, and be spurred to give your
own version of thanks to those in your life who deserve similar recognition.
I’ll start with a couple of veterans
who are no longer alive.
Tom Sullivan was my father. He
served in the Navy, during the Korean conflict, aboard the USS Mindoro, an
aircraft carrier. He was an enlisted man who didn’t see action in combat areas,
so far as I know, but he was damned proud of his service and he kept a framed
copy of his honorable discharge hanging on a wall for the rest of his life. He
earned a couple of medals and received a partial disability, for which he got a
check from his government every month. It wasn’t much monetarily, but it was a
reminder that he had lost something for his country - and that the loss was at
least remembered and appreciated.
Later, I had a stepfather. He was an
Army veteran of World War II. Bill MacDonald served in Italy and suffered
greatly. He had a partial hearing loss from the big guns. His toes were frozen
and frostbitten, from weeks in a cold and muddy encampment, while his unit
tried to capture a German-held hill. He took shrapnel that left permanent
scars. Awarded a purple heart and a bronze star, he was sent home with what was
then known as “battle fatigue” – now renamed “post-traumatic stress syndrome” -
and he thought it was just a polite term for cowardice, God bless him. Despite
his unquestionable bravery, he believed people might view him as having shirked
his duty in some way. He carried that psychological burden with him for years.
What a damnable shame.
Others who have gone to their rest include: Bill Purin, my father-in-law, a Coast Guard vet with a great sense of humor who raised - along with his wife, Eleanor - four of the nicest and most intelligent people I know; and Buck Pennington, an Air Force master sergeant from New Mexico, who is still dearly missed around these parts for his always-cogent (and kind) commentary.
Remembering those who have passed is
important, but maybe the best to be done on a day such as this is to honor
those still with us. These people are dear to me and I want them to
know I love them and appreciate their sacrifices on my behalf.
I have two uncles who did peacetime
duty - Jim in the Air Force and Rick in the Army. My sister-in-law, Luann
Sweeney, and her husband, Charlie, who was… excuse me, I learned long ago you
don’t use the past tense with these guys… IS a Marine. He carries a steel plate
in his skull from his tenure in the armed forces. Skip O'Brien, of the Navy, who never fails to make me laugh. My friends from Southie, Leo
Greeley and Joey Magee, who did stints in the Middle East, as did John King
from Milton (a veteran of TWO branches – Navy first, Army later.) Chris
Goodrich, from Rhode Island, an Air Force Master Sergeant who did 24 years and who has written some of the most engaging histories it has ever been my pleasure to read, on his blog Chant du Depart. Rich Snider, a Naval officer, is a Vietnam vet, good training for having been my boss for some 20+ years. Dean Cook, a Marine and one-time Libertarian candidate for governor, whose campaign I was proud to manage.
I know there are others I’ll regret
not having mentioned as soon as this publishes. If you're one of them, please forgive me for that. Thank
you ALL for serving. Enjoy the day and God bless you.
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