(You can read part one HERE.)
There are vast differences between the way a man's mind works and the way a woman's mind works. Generally speaking, men do one thing at a time. They concentrate on the task at hand to the exclusion of whatever else is happening. Women, on the other hand, tend to multitask.
Guys, this is why when you are making love to your wife and you want to forestall the end a bit, it helps to do something distracting like calculating batting averages. On the other hand, it's why your wife can honestly say that, yes, it was good for her, too, but while she was moaning, she made out the grocery list in her head, noticed a spot on the ceiling that needed painting, and oh, by the way, you have to remember to pay the gas bill by Friday or the heat will be shut off.
This is why - being a guy - I had no idea that there was so much crap that had to be done before a wedding. I figured you told people about the wedding, they came, and the wedding happened. MY (future) WIFE - being not a guy - knew better. We were not unlike that scene in The Odd Couple when Oscar comes home late from work and Felix stands accusingly before him with a dry overcooked roast. Oscar says, "Well, just put some gravy on it" and Felix says, "Put some gravy on it? Where in the hell am I going to get gravy?" and Oscar says, "I thought it just comes when you make the meat."
The thing of it is, I'm such of a guy's guy I'll probably still forget half the stuff that needed to be done, even in the retelling. As the details were piled on while it was actually happening, I was completely flabbergasted.
Invitations had to be made and sent, flowers had to be ordered and placed, a hall had to be rented, the church had to be reserved, food had to be taken care of, the music, the priest, reply cards, blood tests, licenses, place cards, video, programs, photographs, a cake, transportation, rings, best man, maid of honor, ushers, bridesmaids, shoes, dresses, a tux, hair, readings, seating, vows, travel plans for the honeymoon, hotel reservations, vacation time from work, decorations for the hall, the rehearsal, the rehearsal dinner, at least fourteen other things I've blessedly forgotten and, God Almighty, none of it comes when you make the meat.
Was it too late to live in sin? How bad could Hell be? I'll be set on fire and poked with a pitchfork for all eternity? Lemme think about it.
The one thing that made all of this bearable was the fact that we were both over thirty.
No, I'm not saying that age had given us some sort of insight allowing us the ability to stand back and be free from stress. What age had done was grant us some freedom from conformity. Since we were both over thirty, we would do everything in exactly the way we wanted it done. It was our wedding and nobody else's. While younger couples sometimes follow the tradition of having the bride's family pay for much of what happens - and concomitantly have to make concessions to those footing the bill - we were old enough to forgo that nonsense. We both worked, so we'd pay for it ourselves. And since we would be paying for it completely on our own, we could include anything we damn well pleased and leave out anything we damn well pleased, too.
Now, we weren't (and aren't) rich. We weren't (aren't) even in the same area code as rich. We were (are) in the same hemisphere as three-paychecks-removed-from-debtors-prison-and-maybe-by-the-time-we're-seventy-dog-food-won't-look-too-unpalatable. As a result, we also decided that there was a lot of stuff we could do ourselves, as opposed to paying to have it done for us.
First off, being not so rich made us sensitive to the fact that many of our friends were in a similar situation. So, the first thing we decided was to not saddle them with extra expenses. Therefore, we did not make the bridesmaids or maid of honor buy dresses that they would never in a million years wear again, nor did we have ushers or my best man rent (or buy) tuxes. These people could dress in whatever way they wanted. We trusted that they would dress nicely. And they did.
We hand-made the invitations, the reply cards, the programs, and the place cards, 150 or so of each. You must understand that this was without the aid of any sort of computer or computer program. It was the dark ages - 1991 and 1992. When I say hand-made, I literally mean hand-made. The most sophisticated tools we had at our disposal were a typewriter and a copier. Here's one of our invitations:

And the inside.

Once I felt I had a good sample (which was about 80 sheets of paper into the effort, what with getting it centered correctly onto a sheet that would then be folded down into a four-sided invitation) I handed it over to MY (future) WIFE for her to do the artwork. Thankfully, she got it right on the first attempt, otherwise I probably would have had to use another 80 sheets to re-do it. Then, I inserted that sheet into a typewriter and prayed to God that I could correctly line up what I needed to type. If not, back to the beginning.
Only after all of this did we feed that one precious sheet into a copier to make the 150 or so copies we needed. We then hand-colored the leaves on every copy - no color copier available to make that an unnecessary task. Finally, we made the heart. You'll see that it is made up of two thumbprints - one from each of us. We had to ink up our thumbs and make every heart from scratch, so each invitation was unique.
Similar work went into the reply cards, place cards and programs.
I recorded four one-hour cassette tapes containing all of the music to be played at the reception. I did this piece-by-piece, transferring the music from vinyl records to the cassette tapes. No digital downloads. No CDs. All vinyl and all one song at a time, and if I got the sound of the needle being lifted, or a skip or any other glitch, rewind the cassette to the exact point I had previously started at and begin again.
I had to plan each side so that it would be as close to thirty minutes as possible. I juggled my song lists for timing while keeping in mind the least jarring transitions. I did all of this on a commercial stereo set-up - no cross-fading, no ramping up the records to speed, no input volume meters to reference, nothing. After each song was recorded, I had to rewind to where it began in order to make sure that the volume levels matched and that I had the song beginning immediately after the preceding song and had not cut off anything.
One other thing: The recording cassette deck had a broken door. I had to physically hold it shut during the entire process. This means that during any time I was recording a song, playing back a song, rewinding, or whatever involved any movement of the tape, I had to keep my finger firmly pressed against the door of the deck. The recording process took some ten hours total. My finger was sore for two days afterwards.
I hauled my entire system (including my big-ass-for-those-days 75-watts-a-side speakers) to the hall, in my car, and set it up myself on the morning of the wedding. In addition, once the reception began I had to remember the playlist so that I could be ready to change the cassettes the seven times they would need to be changed.
MY (future) WIFE contracted the musicians for the wedding itself. They were all from the church group of which she had been a part. The lone exception was my best man and former band mate from World's End, Sean Flaherty, who played on one song at my behest. We picked out all of the religious music to be played at the ceremony. In addition, I wrote a song on which Sean would play lead guitar.
When I say, "I wrote", I mean I literally wrote out the song for the musicians; actual sheet music, which was something I had never done before. I had previously played in groups that used nothing but "head arrangements", i.e., arrangements worked out in rehearsals, and never existing on paper, but only in the musician's heads. I can read music, but only laboriously. The writing process was very slow.
The wedding musicians, who could sight-read, were unfailingly kind to me when working in rehearsal with my sometimes slightly off-time scratchings and they took my verbal corrections patiently. The only part not written out was Sean's solo following the third verse, but I coached him on the basic form I wanted him to follow - some octave-fingering a la Wes Montgomery - and let him take it from there.
No "Here Comes The Bride", either. We would both march down the aisle together as equal partners. This wasn't some extension of a tribal rite where I'd traded three goats for my woman, so MY (future) WIFE was not "given away" by anyone, nor did I pay attention to any of that silly shit about not seeing the bride before the wedding. I'd already seen every inch of her (and liked what I saw, too.)
We would both wear our nicest clothes, but not a tuxedo or a gown. We wanted the emphasis on the religious aspects of the ceremony, not the trappings. There would be a tuxedo and gown, but... well, you'll see later.
We planned out - and either bought, borrowed, made, or otherwise finagled - all of the decorations ourselves.
We had decided to use a different theme for every guest table at the reception. There was one overall theme - what we loved about Boston. However, each table would represent one place or thing in Boston that we particularly liked. For instance, there would be a Fenway Park table; a Museum of Fine Arts table; a Boston Public Library table; etc., and each table would have it's own distinctive decorations, place cards, centerpieces and whatnot.
In order to do this as inexpensively as possible, we sent letters to every organization representing these places or institutions, explaining what we were up to and asking them to mail us back whatever they were willing to give us as being representative of them. Most were marvelously receptive of the idea and responded with all sorts of interesting little bits of booty.
We'd await the mail each day with some excitement, wondering what it would bring. The Boston Celtics, for instance, sent us schedules and magnets. From the Museum of Fine Arts we received postcards of artwork and other doo-dads. We took these items, added them to what we had around the house already, and planned out each table as its own distinctive work of art.
I'll show you more later, when we get to the reception, but let me give you an idea of what our tables looked like. As a matter of fact, see if you can guess which table this is:

Yes, it's The HEAD Table.
MY (future) WIFE pored through catalogs of party favors and ordered lots of fun things to have at each table - little spinning toy tops; streamers; those things you blow into and a piece of fabric unwinds and makes a noise, like you see in pictures of New Years Eve (what are those things called?); confetti; candies.
Most of these items came from a marvelous company called Oriental Trading. We highly recommend them.
Of course, on top of these somewhat insane Herculean solo efforts, we also made all of the arrangements with the caterer, contracted the hall, worked with the church to stake out a time that wouldn't interfere with their regular Saturday masses, did the mailings and worked on seating arrangements, rented or bought all of our new clothing, made arrangements with the florist, booked a room for our rehearsal dinner, asked certain friends and family members to be part of the wedding party and do readings and such, and all of the other mundane pre-nuptial tasks.
We made a gigantic list of everything that we needed to accomplish and, as each thing was taken care of, we checked it off. Then we added two more things that we had forgotten about.
Here is what we looked like two days before the wedding:

Finally, came the morning of the wedding.

David Ortiz is too spectacular to put into words. He's the best clutch hitter of my lifetime. I saw Yastrzemski in 1967, and he was amazing, but Ortiz? He's established a new standard. On top of it all, he's a nice guy; humble and a great teammate.
Why would I interrupt this continuing saga to talk baseball - aside from the obvious fact that David Ortiz is magnificent? Well, it's the type of thing that guys will talk about at the reception. Women might discuss the beauty of the bride's gown or make fun of the hideous bridesmaid's outfits or perhaps they'll say how pretty the floral arrangements were - I can only speculate concerning these things since I don't own a vagina. Men, however, will not utter a single word concerning the groom's manner of dress - unless he got married in a kilt, in which case he becomes fair game. No, men will talk sports.
Also, you women need to understand that, if you decide to schedule your wedding on a day containing a major sporting event, there are only two possibilities.
1 - If you schedule the ceremony at the same time as the major sporting event, every guy in the church will be pissed. This includes your father, your brother, and the groom himself.
2 - If you schedule the ceremony to happen before or after the major sporting event, that's better. However, if you schedule it before, every guy at the reception - once again including your father, brother, and groom - will try to find a TV to watch the sporting event. If you schedule it after, they will spend the reception talking about the sporting event. As a matter of fact, they may still gather around the nearest TV, beers in hand, and watch the replays.
The only guys the above does not apply to are your gay friends and those guys in the wedding party who are trying to hit on your bridesmaids. And if you're not hitting on bridesmaids or talking sports, it will be assumed you are gay.
Two stories that prove this:
1 - MY WIFE, prior to meeting me, volunteered to write and send out wedding invitations for a friend of hers. On the invitations, it was supposed to say "So-and-so & guest". Well, when she sent them out, it did say that on the female invitations, but not on those going to men. Her Machiavellian idea was that this would bring many single dateless men to the reception. Then she and her friends could troll the waters for a catch.
It was a fine idea, except for one thing. The wedding happened during the World Series. Every man at the reception, dateless or not, gathered around the TV at the bar and watched the game. MY WIFE and all of her friends didn't go home with a damned thing except experience.
2 - MY WIFE and I attended a wedding reception in 2004. Nice couple, now residing in Brooklyn. The wedding reception was in October. The wedding reception was held in a suburb of Boston.
Boston. October. 2004.
The groom spent nearly the entire evening in conversation with various buddies rhapsodizing about how sweet it was that the Red Sox had come from 0 - 3 down to beat the Yankees. Luckily, his bride was also a Sox fan, so she wasn't pissed. Wouldn't have mattered if she was, though. Some things are just in the genes and if you schedule a wedding or reception at certain times, the genes will out.
My best advice, ladies? Schedule your wedding during a time when there are no playoffs happening in any of the four major North American sports. Also, no Olympics, World Cup, major golf tournaments or NASCAR championships. For instance, February 29th.
So the morning of February 29th arrived (arrove?) and we were ready. Every detail was taken care of and all of the stuff we had to bring to the hall and church - for decorating, etc. - was packed up in boxes and bags and ready to be loaded into the car for transport. A couple of very close friends and relatives had agreed to help us that morning with the actual decorating.
I loaded the stuff into my car and drove over to the Knights of Columbus hall we had rented for the reception. I would drop off the stuff with our very good friends and oversee the set-up. I took this task onto myself as a solo venture voluntarily. MY (future) WIFE was on the edge of clinical exhaustion and remained at home taking care of last minute clothing details and popping tranquilizers. I say that not unkindly. She was subject to amazingly hideous migraines and had copped a scrip to make a preemptive strike against that possibility. I was all for her avoiding migraines, of course.
I parked the car, got out, and went into the hall. I then stood there in drop-jawed amazement, not believing what my eyes were seeing.
The entire floor of the hall was covered with trash and I literally mean every inch of it. The hall had been used for a bingo game the night before and it was strewn with discarded bingo cards, scratch tickets, markers, paper plates and drink cups, cigarette butts, and every other bit of detritus that could possibly be associated with a night of gambling.
After the bingo game, whoever was in charge had just swept everything on the tables onto the floor, folded everything up and gone home. Our friends and I had to actually clean the place and set up the tables and chairs before they could even begin doing the decorating.
Before that happened, though, I had to go home. MY (future) WIFE expected me to take perhaps fifteen or twenty minutes at the most to drop stuff off and go over a few details with our friends. There was no way in hell I was going to tell her about what was transpiring. So, I went home, made some sort of lame excuse about having to head back to the hall, and then did so - pissed and ready to start busting my balls cleaning.
Thankfully, MY (future) WIFE had a serious case of Bride Brain, so I didn't have to be too effective in my lying.
I went back to the hall and joined in scooping up trash - by hand. I had a change of clothes at home, of course, but the other folks were already in their beautiful wedding duds. They hadn't expected to be working shin-deep in filth that morning. But they did, God bless them, they did.
After helping to dispose of the greater part of the mess, I had to head back home to continue with our pre-wedding prep. I left everything in the capable hands of Peggy Lavoie and she, along with my future brother-in-law and sister-in-law... well, she absolutely guaranteed herself a spot in heaven, if there's any justice in this universe. She took all of the boxes of stuff, along with my hurried instructions concerning set-up details, and she did as magnificent a job with that hall as we could have done given three days to accomplish it. She set up every table with the specific decorations for that table's theme and did so with her marvelous eye for artistry. I won't show you the details yet - that will come later, at the reception - but you need to know that, without her efforts, our day would have been fairly much ruined.
Back home, we packed up the programs we had made and readied to bring them to St. Gregory’s, the church we were being married in. Our greeters (photo above) would hand one to each of the guests as they entered the church. Since we had many friends who were not Catholic, we included fairly much every word of the liturgy within the programs so that they could follow it easily and participate without hesitation or embarrassment.
After dropping off the programs, we had to go to the florist and pick up the floral arrangements, bring them to the church, and set them up on the altar. MY (future) WIFE also had to get her hair done. We both had to dress in what we were wearing for the ceremony. And I had to write a speech, too.
You see, it was our idea that we would both address our guests at the ceremony. I would give a welcome and MY (future) WIFE would say a couple of words after we were married, including pointing out that directions to the reception were in the program.
Remember how this whole story began with an improvisation on my part? I hadn't learned my lesson from that. After all, horrible improvisation though it may have been, she had agreed to marry me. So I figured I could wait until the last minute to come up with something to say as an introduction to our guests.
You know what? I was right this time.
After picking up the flowers, and while MY (future) WIFE was having her hair done, I was at home reading the funny pages of the Boston Globe. I had it in the back of my head that I had to come up with something to say, but I wasn't too worried about it. I could wing it, if need be. I came from a long line of successful b.s. artists and panic is not a trait you inherit from folks like that. As I was reading Andy Capp, Bringing Up Father, Blondie, and other fine literature sure to instill confidence in a soon-to-be-married man, I glanced down the page and miraculously found the text upon which to base my pre-game talk.
A regular feature on the comics page was the Quote Of The Day. In this case, it was from someone named Festus. The only Festus I knew was the deputy from Gunsmoke, but I assumed it wasn't him and, miracle of miracles, I was now right twice in the same day. As I later found out, he was a Roman philosopher. At that moment, however, he was a gift from God that I gratefully accepted. I clipped the quote out of the page and put it into my pocket.
Her hair now done, MY (future) WIFE was ready for the wedding. We got into our car and drove over to the church. I'd say we had at least twelve or thirteen minutes to spare before the ceremony.
At the time, I was driving a 10-year-old monkey-shit brown Oldsmobile that was not without its charms, but had acquired 10 years worth of dents, dings and other personalizations. We pulled up in front of the church and were immediately accosted by a helpful church official.
"Hey! You can't park there! There's a wedding today and that space is reserved for the limousine!"
"We are the limousine", MY (future) WIFE said, as she moved the orange traffic cones out of the way.
We waited in the sacristy, peeking outside every now and then to count the house - not unlike performers on opening night. I fingered the quote from Festus in my pocket, figuring out my opening lines.
The third person "on stage" with us that day would be Fr. Vincent McKiernan, CSP. We knew him as Vinny. When we decided to get married, he was MY (future) WIFE's immediate choice as celebrant and I agreed wholeheartedly.
Vinny was currently in residence at Ohio State University, but he had previously been a resident at the Paulist Center in downtown Boston. This is where we knew him from. He had been a great help to MY (future) WIFE during a time of great distress (prior to this time of great distress) and a friendship beyond the usual priest-parishioner relationship had developed. I didn't know Vinny as intimately, but I did know him as a kind and gentle man with a wonderful sense of humor, especially adept at punning.
(Since Vinny was from out of town, we had to get special papers to allow him to perform a wedding in Massachusetts. Conservatives want more people to get married and stay married? They want to cut down the divorce rate? Have the government get the hell out of the marriage business. If you left marriage to the religious institutions and dropped all of the hideous paperwork and blood tests and licensing and permissions and fees and other crap, more people might find it easier and might do it. In addition, most churches consider a marriage final. They don't grant divorces; the state does. Mini-rant over. Sorry!)
Vinny was ready. MY (future) WIFE was ready. The musicians were ready. The gathered guests were ready. I pulled Festus out of my pocket and walked out to the lectern on the altar. I began...
"Thank you for coming here today to join us in our celebration of marriage. I'd like to read you a quote that we've pretty much based our entire life together on."
(I had never seen the quote until about an hour ago.)
"The quote is from Festus."
(I here explained that it was not the same Festus as the character from Gunsmoke. I still had no earthly idea what Festus he might have been.)
"We live in deeds, not years; in thoughts, not breaths; In feelings, not in figures on a dial."
"We have tried to live our life together thus far by following these words."
(This was pretty much true, but we had never actually seen the words before.)
"Each one of you holds a special place in our lives and it is our fervent hope that you'll find the deeds, thoughts and feelings, expressed today, filled with love."
(Whatever the hell that means. I know it sounded good because everybody was smiling.)
Having now baffled everybody with bullshit, it was time to begin the actual ceremony. I stepped off of the altar and joined hands with MY (future) WIFE, who was giving me a "Who in heck is Festus and we do what with who now?" smile. We made our way to the back of the church via a side aisle and then followed the rest of the wedding party up the middle aisle towards the altar.
Why, here we are now!

I have to condense slightly here, otherwise I'll have to rent out space on another blog to finish. If you know the Roman Catholic liturgy, you more or less know our wedding.
Dearly beloved...

Husband and WIFE...

(A few minutes before this shot, when Father Vinny actually said "...husband and wife", we had exchanged a high five.)
And then we went home, while everyone else...

(See you there soon!)
interesting read ... thanks
noise makers .. they're called noise makers .. is that not the most clever name for a thing you blow into that unrolls and makes a noise? You're welcome. ♥♥
Love the wedding photos! I also liked your wedding invitations, even though I'm not going to bring up the obvious because I actually missed it during all the other times I read this post. You are a clever man.
Oh, my head is just spinning with all the possible ways you could've gone with the 'HEAD' table. . . Probably wise to keep it sorta safe. . .
I'm gratified that somebody else declined to hold their wedding party hostage for clothing that they'd never wear again. I wore a tux (but my own shoes), which was probably the biggest clothing-related outlay for any of us. Jen wore her mom's dress, which required a few alterations, so I'm not sure what those cost.
And the thumb-print hearts are just too cute!
(Someday, if we ever have occasion to sit down over a pint of Boston's finest, I'd love to discuss with you the whole question of marriage/government, etc. . .)
Now that's commitment! When you have to clean the hall before the wedding and you just hunker down and do it? That's when you know you got a keeper. It's about working together!
You, my friend, definitely started off on the right foot (or the left foot if that's your better foot *grin*)!!!
Another thing about February weddings is that if you invite MLB players, they can actually attend.
the knee-deep in trash reception hall....god bless you for sparing YOUR WIFE knowledge of that (i guarantee it would have induced a migraine) and bless your wedding party for cleaning it so graciously and efficiently. what a nightmare! and the one little detail on the invitation that makes me smile (aside from the thumbprint sweetness) is the time of the ceremony. fantastic.
Craig - Yeah, all the same possibilities concerning "head table" spun through my noggin, as you might imagine. MY (future) WIFE, however, was blissfully unaware of such connotations and connections being made by we easily-led-to-filthy-thoughts men, so it was OK.
I've said it before, and I'll say it again. You are a class acct. Both of you are lucky to have one another.
Enjoy your Valentine's Day and thank you for sharing such a special story!
Stress. That's what came back to me as I (re)read this. I recall asking The Second Mrs. Pennington (to be) at some point in the wedding work-up if we couldn't just elope. Please?
Not a chance. Continued stress.
Your way, while not entirely stress-free, is certainly better.
Sounds like you got through the day the way i got through college -- if you can't dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with bull manure.
I stopped reading as soon as I saw "2004."
Not really, but do you HAVE to throw that reference in so often?
Well, I guess when you've won 2 championships 100 years, you probably do.
Sorry to have bothered you.
What a cliffhanger!
Love the wedding invitations. I've never seen such original designs. And the heart shaped from/of/by your thumbs... cute.
I'm fairly certain none of the songs in this video were played
My internet connection has been on the blink and I haven't been able to comment until now...but I was able to read this on my smartphone (why DO they call them that??) this morning. I couldn't wait to read it, and I was not disappointed. You and your wife did a great job planning the wedding; I love the thumbprints on the invitation. (Your prints are now on the WWW...no problem with that? :))) )
You have the BEST friends, and I hope that they read this blog, too. I am so happy that you both were and are surrounded by true friends. (Only a TF would scoop/shovel trash in their wedding duds. Keep those people close to you, forrrrrever.!)
This is a wonderful story and a great read. I love to read your posts, Jim. Happy Valentine's Day to you and your wife.
So good...can't wait to "party the night away at the reception" in the next installment!
It sure sounds like the day was perfectly made for the both of you. And there's nothing quite as fantastic as starting out a marriage like that :-)
I think you both are terribly clever and creative. Weddings are way more stressful than they should be. But good for you for doing it your way. Sounds like it turned out fantastic!
I enjoyed reading this so much and can't wait for the reception (you do have a place at a table for me, right?). First time I married (1982) I made my own invites the same way you did - I did the calligraphy, too! I wore a $12 dress, a friend made our cake, another friend did the flowers. It was perfect. 2nd marriage (2008) we eloped to Tombstone, AZ, wore white shirts and jeans and stayed in a B&B that used to be a brothel. It was perfect. Off to the reception...
I am exhausted just reading this! You two certainly were busy preparing.
Great idea for the tables!
My sister wrote out our invitations. Love them, and her!
Actually, I read "Festus" as "Fester" and immediately thought of the uncle in The Addams Family..
I loved those wedding invites, so personal and unique, and definitely worth their weight in gold. YOUR WIFE and you make such a handsome couple, it's sounds to have been quite a day!
I am amazed at all the work you put into the wedding! We were in the same boat as far as paying for our own, etc. but I took the easy way out and ordered invitations. And I have no idea how the tables were decorated. Love your idea and how cool that so many organizations contributed!
After all that build up, you only post FOUR wedding photos?? SHAME.
I think your wedding took even more effort and preparation than most. Your unique invites, table settings and music collection are just amazing.
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