This is where I thank someone, and give you a personal update. But, before I get to any of that, here's all you need to know about the pitiful state of American politics.
When I logged onto AOL this morning, to get my e-mail, their lead news flash said that Newt Gingrich's second wife had given a "bombshell" interview, saying some damning things about the former Speaker of the House. Perusing further down the front page, the fourth story listed, in type about one-quarter as large, informed me that Rick Santorum actually beat Mitt Romney in Iowa, rather than the other way around.
So, to sum up, the frontrunner in the race actually has won only one of the two states thus far contested in the primaries, and the media played up those supposed two wins, for the past two weeks or so, portraying his candidacy as an unstoppable juggernaut, basically making it one in the process. Meanwhile, the ex-wife of the guy who, of the remaining five candidates in the race, is currently dead last in actual delegate count, dissed him. What should we have expected? That she would be fellating him at a press conference?
Thank you, American radio, TV, and press! You certainly do make things clear for the voters! The next time you wring your hands, deploring voter turnout at some all-time low, please don't act as though you don't know why that's the case. Instead, look in the mirror. And then, would you please be gracious enough to offer us all an apology? Those of us still paying attention would appreciate it greatly.
Ah, but let's move on to happier stuff, shall we?
Clare Dunn is an artist, a marvelous painter, and she held a giveaway on her blog, xoxoxocd. Yes, that's more or less the name of it, although I think it's more formal name is Alldunn by XOXOXO CD, but either way it's fun to type! Be that as it may - and I think it is - the giveaway was of one of her original works of art. And I was the winner!

The title of the painting is Dunes II, and I love it. It will be framed and given a place of honor in our home. Thank you again, Clare!
(Some of her other pieces - either the originals or prints - are for sale. Please check them out. If you make Clare fabulously famous, my painting will become worth millions. I would never sell it, but I could then borrow against its value and never have to write again, thus making the world a better place. So, do your bit for humanity and buy Clare's artwork!)
Finally, some of you are no doubt wondering how I fared on the Jeopardy test. Unfortunately, I don't have a definitive answer. They don't tell your score, or even whether or not you passed or failed. However, I have some knowledge of the score needed to pass, and I'm fairly certain I did. Unlike the media in the case of Mitt Romney and Iowa, I won't proclaim it a certainty. I'll only find out for sure if the producers call me and arrange for an in-person test and interview. If and when they do, I'll be certain to crow about it.
And that wraps it up here at Suldog this morning. The final tally shows one rant, one sincere thank you, and one uncertain game show future. I thank you for reading, and you can now feel free to go see what hideous things Newt's wife had to say about him.
Soon, with more better stuff.
What a lovely painting. And I'd love to see you on Jeopardy.
That is a gorgeous painting. You'll be living at the seaside.
That's a beautiful painting!
I hope you get on Jeopardy! I'll be recording it if you do. ;)
I am glad that your painting arrived intact and, I might add, in good time! (WTG USPS!) SO HAPPY that you and YOUR WIFE like it so well, and I am honored that you 'sang my praises' in this post.
You are most kind.
Thank you also haphazard, Carolina and Mich, for your sweet words (Mich, thank you for stopping by my page!). Sully's friends are the Best Ever!
Love to you all,
xoxoxo, cd
I try to ignore all that Amurrican politics stuff, it's all too confusing to and person with a British brain! And what sort of name is MITT? I wear mitts on my hands in the winter..... and isn't a NEWT a little amphibian that lives near a river? Cor blimey!
Great painting, your luck's in, better go out and buy a lottery ticket.
And if you're on Jeopardy I promise to watch. I think you'd be GRRRRREAT!
That painting reminds me of several Lake Michigan shoreline scenes. . .
And see, this is why I stopped taking politics seriously, some years ago. And besides, the portion of our lives that's significantly impacted by politics is mercifully small. . .
Did you get the link to my Jeopardy post?
And I'll be waiting with bated breath to hear of your Jeopardy! status. Break a leg, and all that. . .
And how many extra Blogger points do you get for 'fellate'?
I'll skip the Newt bash-down, but that painting is beautiful! And I rooting for you to break a leg meeting Alex Trebeck. (Not literally-but you understand.)
"...she would be fellating him at a press conference?"
Now, THAT would be news. And it would reinvigorate his *ahem* flaccid candidacy -I'd vote for him.
Why? Any guy who can score an on-stage BJ from his ex has got to have such extraordinary powers of persuasion that he could unite this congress and get the country moving again!
Mr. Suldog, :)
I have learned after the last election not to trust the media. They in a word "suck".
I always, if I want a true version of what's happening to go to CBN, that's Christian Broadcast Network. You would be very surprised at the difference.
Love the blog, did you sign your petition yesterday????
More political talk, please. I happen to be a junkie for all of it -- the good, the bad, and (of course) the ugly.
What a beautiful painting.
I already have one of Clare's that she sent to me. A very gifted artist she is.
I'm afraid that I know nothing about American politics.
Maggie X
Nuts in May
Maggie - Don't worry. Most Americans know nothing about American politics.
I had a whole lot of things to say about this post.
Then I thought about it for a couple of minutes.
Nice picture!
As a Democrat, I've never had so much fun watching Republican primaries. This is what happens to a party that's hijacked by extremists. The Grand Old Party once had patriots capable of participating in the compromises necessary to govern three hundred million people, but no longer.
Nice painting, and I'd love to see you on Jeopardy.
That's a sweet painting and very cool that you won! Yay!
I do not trust the media. Come to think of it, I don't trust much of anything. Wow. When did I get this way? Never mind.
I do hope you get that call and that you pass further examination and are not found wanting! Because I want to see your charming face on TV. I love playing along with Jeopardy and Cash Cab... shouting out my answers (which are not always right...grumble). It would be so much better if I knew someone to root for. =:]
This just goes to show that before you get serious with someone, you need to have lunch with all of his/her exes.
Holding out lots of good thoughts for you to get on Jeopardy.
Beautiful painting. I will take a look at her site. Very talented she is!
Sending good thoughts your way. I would love to see you on the show!
Congrats on winning a prize well worth having! Clare's art is lovely. Maybe you're on a roll, and you'll get an invite from Jeopardy next, and win some more.
Totally agree with your 4th paragraph(the ranting one).
After I read your blog this morning, I went directly to the web to read the news. It's going to be an interesting election this year. I have watched all the GOP debates and look forward to watching tonight's.
I also look forward to hearing about the producers' call regarding further testing and your interview. I'm rooting for you, my friend.
Nice work, Suldog. That teaser of a title had me thinking you were all about ripping some folks a new one (one is a euphemism). Although that's a nice shot you took at the American radio, TV, and press. Maybe we should all start following what's going on at Al Jazeera and reading The Economist? The American has a hard time getting the story right because they don't stick around long enough to get more than headlines.
So anyway it's better that you let us know you won a really nice picture of a seascape or whatever that is and that you won't know if your "In Jeopardy" until they call you and tell you. Good luck with that. I probably won't see it because that's when "News Hour" is on.
Nice painting (VERY nice), nice rant, and good luck on the Jeopardy call-back. Is all.
Great giveaway win, Clare's painting is gorgeous and one of my favorite views of all time - the beach & ocean. Amazing talent there, I'll check her out, thanks.
Fingers still crossed on Jeopardy but not really knowing what to say about politics these days. Never really anything but smoke and mirrors most of the time.
You had me standing and applauding with the first paragraph! Amen!
And lucky you, what a beautiful painting! Yes, I was wondering about the Jeopardy test - I hope you get to move on to the next level!!
You've succinctly captured why I don't pay attention to politics. It's like moderating an argument between eight-year olds. You know that nobody's telling the truth, so it makes no sense to get too wrapped up in it.
I took that Jeopardy quiz the other night too, Suldog. Probably the hardest one I've ever taken. And I'm not betting I'll soon be on the show.
Congrats on your winning work of apropos that I posted about art recently. I was so impressed that Newt referred everyone to the daughters to make comments on their Stepmother's interview---the woman that broke up their mom and dad. Golly. What a nice American family. If Newt fails he should do a reality show.
i heard the romney/santorum thing on npr this morning. fascinating math they used. 8 votes romney's the winner. oops no, it's 34 votes in santorum's favor so it's a tie. really??? i don't want either of these guys but that's just beyond absurd. ok, enough...
gorgeous painting. i love the delicate colors in such a peaceful scene. congrats on winning it!
i'll be anxious to hear your genius self got called for an interview. someone's got to represent for the 136 club!
Ugh .. I'm watching the debate this evening as I'm reading this ... and boy, it has been interesting tonight!
That is a very lovely painting. Congrats on the win!!! Politics and Politicians - Lizards :(
Yes it would be nice for an apology! But don't hold your breath..they actually feel they are doing us a service!!! Ha!!
Then we have Obama shelping us as a new "place" to visit for foreigners!!
I dont care if Nit, er, Newt's ex was honest or not. The man is a skeeve and he flipflops so much I wonder he's not got treadmarks on his rear ... its sort of scary for the Republicans to think Nit, Mitt and Scantorum are the best they've got. End of political kvetch.
Love that painting, I think Clare is very talented.
We don't have Jeopardy over here, so you'd best send me the video link if you actually do appear on it - I wouldn't want to miss that for the world! What a great piece of art you have up there, isn't it fab? And um, yeah, bleh.. politics, eh?
Where can I find the hideous stuff Newt's wife's posted about him (and who IS Newt)?
Shrinky - Long answer...
Newt Gingrich is a Republican candidate for President and former Speaker of the House (at present, perhaps equal to leader of the opposition in the House of Commons?) As a Republican, akin to the Conservatives.
He's a brilliant man, but mean and erratic. That is, he's a tremendous speaker and debater, communicates his message tremendously well, but is prone to saying stuff like "Our enemies? The best course of action is to kill them. Period."
(Not a direct quote, but it captures the flavor.)
The ex-wife had an interview with ABC News wherein she said that he proposed an "open" marriage, one where he could have a mistress or mistresses as well as her. Since he espouses "family values", such as an anti-homosexual and traditional marriage agenda, this would make him guilty of gross hypocrisy. Whether it's the truth is unknown at present. His daughters are on his side, and have made statements disowning the ex-wife's claims. He is also currently married for the third time, and has converted to Catholicism somewhat recently, so that's more to take into account.
Of the (now) four remaining candidates for the Republican nomination, he is currently last in delegates won via previous preliminaries, but has taken the lead in some polls conducted concerning the next up, which is South Carolina, seen by some as a very important battleground. If he wins South Carolina, he may be seen as the current strongest candidate for the overall win to challenge Obama come November.
That's enough, probably, but if you want to know more, I'd suggest...
(For what it's worth, I'm a supporter of Ron Paul.)
Yeah, if it wasn't for the whole three-wives thing (well, that and the dumping-'em-when-they-get-sick thing), the Newt might (might!) have a certain appeal to me. But, as of right now, he's pretty much the only one of 'em that I can say with a degree of certainty that I WON'T be voting for. . .
I'm keeping my options open... heck, gotta wait 'til June so I may as well.
A quote about last night's debate from a college debate coach got my attention: "...Santorum dominated the environment like an Asian carp."
Politics...What can ya say? We know the media loves to jump on a story and if there is no story, they'll create one. A man with 2 exes is just a ticking time bomb I think. There's a lot of dirt to dig there and the press will sling it.
Love the painting. It's a vacation for the eyes. Congrats on winning it.
trekking your superb blog! keep blogging and inspiring people!
Clare's art is just lovely and I'm so glad that you won it. Now if only we can say the same about you and Jeopardy. ;) Fingers crossed.
I'm having shirts made up that say "Vote for class, not an ass"
I expect fl to go good old Ga Boy Newt as well, although my entire neighborhood is for a baseball glove !!!
Thanks for the explanation about Newt and his amorous encounters. What a twerp.
Learned a new word today (thanks, indirectly, to Carolina). It pretty much describes what's happening with the state of politics and the various elected entities of our gov't:
Just dropping by to see how you're doing and to leave a hug. Glad you're keepin' on keepin' on! :)
Nice painting! Congrats on the win. Politics is one of those things that makes you wonder how America would be different if people actually paid attention.
Superb posting, I share the same views. I wonder why this particular world truly does not picture for a moment like me and also the blog site creator :D
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