I ran a contest here, about a millennium ago (OK, a week ago), and some of you have been waiting mighty patiently for the winner to be announced.
(If you wish to read the post that announced the contest, gave the rules, and then went on for about another 2,000 superfluous words, go HERE.)
The winner is...
Well, actually, the winners are Andy, Daryl, and Craig. Since they were the only three with the correct answer, I decided to be a sport and give all of them a prize.
And what do they win?

I loved this show as a kid, and I'm all for getting as many folks as possible to watch it. I'm anxiously awaiting my own copy (which I won't get to watch until sometime in January, as MY WIFE is buying it for me as a Christmas gift.)
(I suppose I should make it clear that I am paying for the prizes. I have received no compensation from the producers of the DVD. That's just so you know what little integrity I have left has not been compromised.)
So, congrats to Craig, Daryl, and his other brother Daryl... no, I mean Andy. The DVD is scheduled to begin shipping on or around December 6th, so expect it soon thereafter.
Thank you to everyone for playing.
Soon, with more better stuff.
Congrats, everyone! You have a heart of gold, mlgf. But you already knew that.
WOW.. you are a prince, sending out prizes before you even get your own present! And now everyone will think I am a man, so thanks for undoing eons of hard work persuading people Daryl with one R comes first, er, is the feminine spelling .. Toonman is buying his pal Andrew The Three Stooges DVD collection .. dont tell Andrew, its a surprise!
very cool! congrats to all. :)
Sully, you're the best! I'll think of you fondly whenever I watch it!
Thank you, very much!
It REALLY hurts me to see stuff like "50th Anniversary Collector's Edition!" on the familiar. And the not-so-familiar but contemporary, too. Aiiieee.
Oh well done, you, and congrats to all three worthy winners, too. Seems this post passed me by, but um, DVD's don't play in the UK from America, so it would have been a chronic waste for me to enter, anyway!
What a fun series to pick for a give away.
Congrats to the winners.
Way to go guys!
As a side note, John's son Sean Astin has been my favorite actor for what feels like forever. People will best know him as Samwise in Lord of the Rings but some of his best performances were 20 some odd years before that movie was even made. And of course with Patty Duke as his mom the good genes just ran in the family.
Yay! That's so nice of you. And congrats to all. :)
Where have I been? Why have I not heard of this show before?!
I am theeeee worst. I leave what might be my only comment on a post here, and I come up a winner. All your regulars must hate me, and I daresay I kind of like being the villain. THIS IS ME RUBBING IT IN!
Later will be me getting hit by a car on my way home from work because of the karma. Or because I don't pay much attention to what I am doing.
Yay for Craig, Daryl and Andy!
It was a fun post and a fun contest.
I'm glad I got to play.
I'm glad I didn't win... 'cause then I'd of hadda get a DVD player, or watch it on a laptop.
But then I couldn't win because I didn't really enter, huh?
Man, I've never even HEARD of this show.
Congratulations to the winners!
Now, remember to look surprised when you're opening your Christmas gift
Congrats to the well deserving winners!!!
Knucklehead and others wondering - Well, it was only on the air for one season, and had very limited re-runs as a result of there only being 32 episodes total. Amazingly enough, that's how I saw it, in re-runs. Otherwise, I would have never known about it, either. But, as I say, I loved it when I was 5 or 6. I haven't seen it since then, so I'm hoping my recollection of it isn't too far off.
remeber the characters but not the show -- strange
Congrats all!
When you mentioned it, I remembered there was a show by that name, but then I remember the names of a lot of shows I never saw... just like I remember the names of movies I never saw.
You're so generous! This is one I don't remember that well - now I'll have to go find it on Netflix if possible and job my memory!
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