You will never read a more truthful headline.
The following pictures were all taken by me.
It takes a very brave and stupid man to admit that. I am one of the world's crappiest photographers and these photos are, for the most part, not good. However, just as a mother loves her hideously dirty, ill-behaved, moronic children, and is unwilling to dump them in the river and cut her losses, I am unable to delete these photos without using them in some way. So,
you get to see them. Lucky you.

This is me in my studio at work. Exciting, eh?

Here we see an exciting mixing board, which I often use during my exciting days.

This is my production department partner, Dan. He is one of the funniest men on the face of the planet. Not in
this picture, though. Sorry!

And here is a flag sticking out of some soundproofing. God Bless America!

Some of you may remember this shot. It was taken immediately following my (yeah, right) final softball game of all time. It gives a good representation of what I looked like following a hard-played game on a hot summer's night. Good shot, actually. That's because MY WIFE took it. She's much better with a camera than I am. But not always!

Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men? The Catcher do!

Here is MY WIFE. She is standing in front of a teeny little house. I know it's somewhere in New Hampshire, but I have no idea why we took the picture. Perhaps it was to show people what sort of house we could afford to buy if we liquidated all of our assets and sold our bodies to science - maybe.

I was trying to take a photograph of something just outside of this screen. Can you make out what it was? It was a deer who had come to eat apples from our yard during a New Hampshire vacation. If you look carefully, you
can see the deer laughing heartily at my ineptitude with a camera.

Here is our friend, Valerie, amusingly murdering her husband, Jack (who seems rather non-plussed by the whole thing.) Lucky for Jack, Valerie missed him completely because he was so out-of-focus.

Later on, however, Valerie was successful in knocking Jack off. Here we see his ghost coming back into the kitchen looking for revenge (or a bottle of wine; I'm not sure which.)

And finally, here is our refrigerator. You can try to click onto it for more detail, but don't get your hopes up. Yes, the owl cookie jar in the background
is wearing a scally cap. Doesn't yours?
And with that, I leave you no richer than you were when you showed up on my blog's doorstep. Next time you'll know better. I have no idea what that means, but then neither do you, so don't get all high-and-mighty.
Soon, with more better stuff.
That flag in the soundproof room has to be the coolest thing I've seen on the web lately. I don't know why, but I could stare at it all day.
man, i really wanted to see the deer--try clicking on that pic for more detail and see if you don't develop a migraine...
Those photos were really something! I did not know you were such a great photographer.
MLH - I'm glad you like it, but I'll be damned if I know why you do. I'm as patriotic as the next guy, so the flag is nice, but... I don't know. Maybe you're doing some stuff you'd like to share with the rest of the class?
Sarah - If you really want to see pics of the deer in question, I put the best I got into a different post.
(You'll have to put the two hunks of address back together in your browser. Sorry!)
Uncle Jim - I know sarcasm when I see it. I wouldn't be able to take a very good photo of it, but I know it.
HAHA that pic of you from after the Flames Softball games reminds me of the zomibes from Resident Evil.
anonymous - ROTFLMAO
wow! we each have up pictures of our fridges today! do you know what that means? do you??? i think it means we were both desperate for a post idea. nonetheless i still enjoyed yours. amazing how we can milk nothing at all for a post, ain't it? must be why i enjoy coming here.
Lime - Really? Wow. I haven't been to your place yet today, but I'm scooting over there right now!
How I do relish a fresh frolic in fields of frivolous fun and fantasy, at the mercy (or lack thereof) of your wondrous wit and engaging creativity. This was (as always) a BLAST! Inasmuch as I am in your debt for your inclusion of us in your Spirit of unabashed openness and soulful reflections ... I am equally appreciative of this new opportunity to be even more a part of your world. Thank you Jim, Dear SulDog Friend. This was nice!! (though I still look forward to a future pilgrimage to your world and a me-with-you few moments shared!)
Love you, My Friend ...
John-Michael - That certainly tops being compared to a zombie! Take THAT, anonymous!
The ghost of Jack is quite something, Valerie is good a wielding a big old knife huh?
Great photos & nice to put a face with your WIFE finally!
Lovely to see YOUR WIFE and particularly happy that you took a better photo of her than of the deer. Fun, silly post, Sully, but then I'm easily amused. :)
I swear I'm keeping away from the wacky grass! I'm clean, man, I'm clean! Photos like that just spur my imagination sometimes.
OK... I'm never gonna delete another lousy shot of my own, ever again. Unbeknown to me (until now), they could be the basis for a great post. Or not. My writing skills ain't nearly as good as yours, Jim.
I like the goatee.
Really, really, enjoyed this post Sul!
Scary how you knew I needed a lift this evening. :)
Nice to finally see your wife! Great pictures, the ghost was something else, as was the deer. :)
Nice fridge!! Thanks for putting photos to the people I've been reading about. Nice to finally meet THE WIFE!!
Great to meet your wife and you!
My fridge is exactly like yours - covered in crap. Can't see the door for all the bits and pieces stuck on it. All with magnets. Every now and again, some one shuts the door too hard and they all crash to the floor. Only to have me pick them up and stick 'em back... with magnets. I never learn.
"However, just as a mother loves her hideously dirty, ill-behaved, moronic children, and is unwilling to dump them in the river and cut her losses"
If you must refer to me in a post, please provide the link, thank you.
Loved jack the ghost.
And I could see the deer - lying down just at the bottom of the screen, right?
I'm familiar with that soundboard. Well, not THAT soundboard, but a similar .. . oh crap you know what I meant.
sheesh, look at all the ridiculous comments I can make on a post about nothing.
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