In a stunning turn of events, Wile. E. Coyote yesterday caught the Roadrunner and ate him. In related occurrences, Sylvester swallowed Tweety, Pepe Le Pew made sweet love to a black cat with a white stripe of paint on her back, and Elmer Fudd blew a hundred holes into Bugs Bunny with shotgun pellets. When reached for comment, Tom said nothing. His mouth was full of Jerry.
Congratulations to the New York Giants.
What else is there to say, really? They won and they deserved to win. If you're from Boston, tip your hat to the New York fans and move on.
By the way, this is a perfect opportunity to judge your neighbor. If you run into a Patriots fan today, and he/she has anything to say other than "Congratulations, New York!", then you know that person has little class. There can be no complaints. We weren't screwed by any calls. We had them, but they got away. The Patriots, bless 'em, just couldn't finish the job. It's as simple as that.
If still in doubt concerning someone's lack of class, just wait. If that person badmouths the Patriots, then you can be sure. The team gave us a great ride, right down to the final incomplete pass to Randy Moss. Anybody who makes this out to be a bigger tragedy for themselves, rather than the team, is just a pure grade-A 100% a-hole.
That's all I've got today. I had written a story about a past Super Bowl - you'll get that tomorrow - but the above needed to be said today.
Excellent first paragraph LOL: his mouth was full of Jerry.
Indeed. We'll get 'em next year...
Good post. Excellent lesson there in sportsmanship -something a whole lot of others really do need to study from time to time.
Are you shiin' me cuz! I am full of hate today, not for the Giants because as you know from my post on Thursday last week, this was a real possibility. But for the media who spent all day yesterday bashinmg the Patriots because they assumed that they would win and wanted to diminish the win by bringing up every rumor they could dig up.
Congrats Giants, but fuck off everyone else!!!
The haters got what they wanted.
well my husband and daughters were rooting for NY, my son and i were rooting for the pats. it was a heartbreak but the giants did earn that win. no doubt. i thought bellichek lacked class by not staying in the field until the bitter end too. i was disappointed by that.
Lime - I have to speak to your last point. Belichek, in my eyes, displayed a great deal more class than people are giving him credit for. He went and shook Tom Coughlin's hand when there were two seconds remaining. He was conceding victory at that point. There was no reason for him to return to the sidelines for the final meaningless play and then repeat the ritual. I'm sure Coughlin would say it was fine.
The Giants played a great game and wanted it more. What more can you say than that?
I'm just looking forward to April 8th and the ring ceremony at Fenway. That'll take the sting out of it.
Point well-made. I'm not a big sports fan myself, so I don't understand the drama of the losing side. It's a game and with enough stress in our lives today, we certainly don't need to stress over sports. Hell, whether they won or lost, they're still getting paid!
Great perspective!
Giants definitely deserved the win yesterday. I feel badly for my Pats fan friends, but I reminded them last night I've been a Minnesota Vikings fan for most of my life and I'm still waiting to see them win a Super Bowl...
The loss must have been pretty hard for Pats fans. Sorry about that. OTOH, you've nailed it with this post, Jim. Good on ya!
As for me, I tuned in at the half and saw the best Super Bowl I've seen in years, to my great surprise. (I usually don't watch football on Sundays.)
But Hey! Next year, right?
I'll cop to being an A-hole today. I just don't feel particularly magnanimous... but that could be due in part to the beer residue. The Giants did play very well.
so did the Pats, btw. (arrrrgh!)
So well said, Suldog. Then I remember I'm in Massachusetts and there are probably 3 of us that feel this way!
I can't say I'd feel the same way if I were in your shoes. I'm glad there's people like you around.
Great post.
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