Sunday, June 18, 2017

Happy Uncle's Day!

Yup. I start today's column in the Boston Herald by being willfully ignorant (as opposed to obliviously so, as is usually the case.) Then I realize my mistake (which is also a rarity.)

Why not go there and come along for the stupid ride? Here's a link!

As always, thanks for reading this increasingly moribund blog. Someday, I might actually put some original stuff here and not send you careening off into the ether to find it.

Soon, with more better stuff (although you'll probably have to go to the Boston Herald to read it.)


messymimi said...

There is an Auntie's Day, it's the Sunday after Mother's Day. Next Sunday should be just for Fun Uncles. You'd win the prize there.

Jimmy said...

F U Jim, man I bet you were relieved when that was cleared up. Nice job man I see why your nieces and nephews love you.

joeh said...

You deserve a day, just name one, tell your nieces and nephews, and celebrate it.

Most of my nieces and nephews stopped calling me Uncle when they got older. They just call me Joe, no longer Uncle Joe. I ask them what I did to lose the title, but they think I'm jut actually kinda pisses me off.

Ami said...

You could sign things like that...

Craig said...

Sometimes Father's Day feels more like FU day, anyway. . .

Just sayin'. . .